SHOCKING: 2 kg hair gets removed from stomach after operation, woman consumes secretly
Due to a mental illness, a girl from Uttar Pradesh, had been eating her hair for the previous 16 years. As a result, almost two kilograms of hair had gathered in her stomach, and on September 26 of that year, she passed away.The hair was removed following the procedure. She has a mental illness called "trichophagia," in which the patient begins to eat their own hair, according to the doctors at Bareilly District Hospital. According to medical professionals at the district hospital, the hair had clogged her stomach and spread into sections of her intestine, preventing her from eating solid meals and making her throw up liquids. On September 20, a CT scan showed the hair collection, necessitating emergency medical attention.
As the surgeon leading the operation put it, "Trichophagia is a chronic psychiatric disorder that involves the repeated ingestion of hair." "It’s often linked to trichotillomania, a condition that involves compulsively pulling out one's own hair."
According to Dr Singh, the woman had been eating and pulling off her hair in secret since she was five years old. On September 26, the big hairball—medically referred to as a trichobezoar—was extracted during surgery.