Flashback 2023: From IREDA To Senco Gold, Top 10 IPOs So Far - In PICS
Let's take a look at the top 10 IPOs of the 2023 calendar year so far, based on their returns to the investors, as of December 15, 2023, on the BSE.

Let's take a look at the top 10 IPOs of the 2023 calendar year so far, based on their returns to the investors, as of December 15, 2023, on the BSE.

The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd, a government-owned firm, gave a return of 238 per cent for the investors, and became the best-performing IPO debuted this year so far. IREDA Facebook

Netweb Technologies India Ltd debuted in the stock market on July 27, 2023, and was trading at Rs 1,289.05 apiece, giving the investors a robust return of more than 150 per cent. Netweb Website

Tata Technologies Ltd listed in the stock market on November 30, 2023, and settled at Rs 1,242.25 on December 15, 2023, indicating a return of almost 150 per cent for the investors. Tata Tech Website

Cyient DLM Ltd entered the stock market on July 10, 2023. As of December 15, 2023, the stock stood at Rs 651 apiece, translating into returns of 145.6 per cent for the investors. Cyient Website

Senco Gold Ltd debuted in the stock market on July 14, 2023. The firm's shares stood at Rs 749.35 apiece, as on Friday, giving a return of over 130 per cent for the investors. Getty

Vishnu Prakash R Punglia Ltd listed in the stock market on September 5, 2023. As of December 15, 2023, the stock settled at Rs 217.45, indicating a return of nearly 120 per cent for the investors. VPRP Website

EMS Ltd marked its entry into the stock market on September 21, 2023. The company's stock closed at Rs 436.85 apiece, giving returns of over 100 per cent for the investors. EMS Website

Signatureglobal (India) Ltd debuted in the stock market on September 27, 2023. The company’s shares stood at Rs 796.15 apiece on Friday, giving a return of almost 107 per cent on the issue price. Signatureglobal Facebook

Utkarsh Small Finance Bank made its entry into the stock market on July 21, 2023. The bank's shares closed trading on Friday at Rs 51.39 apiece, giving the investors a return of more than 105 per cent on the listing. Utkarsh Bank Facebook

JSW Infrastructure Ltd debuted in the stock market on October 3, 2023, and settled at Rs 231.45 apiece on Friday, falling just short of giving a 100 per cent return to the investors. JSW Infra Website
Published at : 18 Dec 2023 02:21 PM (IST)
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