Monsoon Travel: Must Have Essentials For Your Rainy Getaway
Monsoon Travel: If you are an adventure soul planning to travel on the wet trails and meadows, here's everything you need for a safe and thrilling rainy season journey

The monsoon season transforms nature into a lush tapestry, reminiscent of high-definition wallpaper straight out of your laptop. While monsoon brings the sweet scent of rain-soaked earth and breathtaking views, it also requires extra caution and preparation while travelling. If you are an adventurous soul eagerly waiting to embark on your journey, you must prepare yourself for torrential rains and seasonal insects. By smartly packing a few essential items you can make your monsoon sojourn safe and delightful.
Essentials You Must Carry While Travelling In Monsoon:
Travelling during the rainy season sounds refreshing, adventurous and rejuvenating. However, how much you are going to enjoy is majorly dependent on how well-prepared and equipped you are to handle the uncertainties and emergencies that come hand in hand with rainy spells. Here is the list of a few items you must pack before heading out to make the most of your vacation:
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1. Poncho/Raincoat/Umbrella:
If you are planning to travel during monsoon, one of the most important things is to keep yourself dry. Getting drenched in the rain continuously can cause diseases and infections which can turn your trip into an ordeal. To save yourself from this situation, invest in a top-notch poncho or raincoat along with a big and good-quality umbrella. This will cover your body from head to toe and protect you from the wind or haboob.

2. Waterproof Bag Or Cover:
Apart from covering your body, you also have to protect all the items you are carrying. For the same, you should invest in a good quality waterproof bag or a waterproof cover. This will enhance your overall trip experiance as it keeps all your belongings like clothes and gadgets safe and dry.

3. Quick-Drying/Synthetic Clothes:
While travelling in the rainy season packing lightweight and quick-drying clothes will enrich your travel experience. Prefer keeping synthetic clothes like polyester, nylon or rayon as they do not absorb much water and dry quickly. Also, ensure that fabrics are gentle on your skin and allow you to breathe easily instead of creating irritation on your body. Do not forget to keep a quick-dry towel as it reduces the risk of dampness and mildew. Pack light but keep one or two extra pairs to be on the safer side as rainfall invites landslides eventually leading to roadblocks.

4. Waterproof Shoes And Footwear:
Waterproof shoes with high grip are also pivotal as they keep your feet dry and prevent fungal infections. They provide excellent traction on slippery surfaces and protect from ankle injuries as treks and roads become more slippery and muddy after rainfall. Also to save yourself from Leech Bite do not go out trekking and hiking wearing Crocs or slippers.

5. Boot Freshener/ Silica Gel Pack
If your shoes are only water-resistant then carry silica gel packs. These packs help to absorb moisture and prevent unpleasant odours. While camping and travelling in groups these odours can become unbearable, and gel packs will come out as your saviour.

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6. Plastic Bags And Ziplock Bags:
Plastic bags or zip locks will be your best friend in keeping your electronics and mobile safe from water. You can use them for small items that you want to keep handy, saving the hassle of opening your huge backpack repeatedly. Best for keeping your earphones, mobile phone and power bank.

7. Insect-Repellent Cream And Sprays:
While the monsoon season creates a pleasant atmosphere for exploring nature, it also increases the presence of insects like mosquitoes and bugs in the environment. These insects can bite and cause irritation, itching and blisters. To shield yourself from this, apply these insect-repellent creams. It will safeguard you from bites and reduce the risk of serious diseases such as malaria and dengue.

8. Multi-Tool Kit Or Swiss Knife:
This multitool kit or knife can be extremely useful if you are going somewhere in remote areas away from city life. Whether cutting ropes, opening packages, or even preparing food, this small tool will prove to be a versatile friend and will keep you ready for any emergency. If you are going solo then this is going to be your best friend on the trails or during any emergency.

9. Flashlight Or Headlamp:
A headlamp or flashlight is also a must-have tool while travelling in the rainy season. Power outages are common during monsoon and due to uncertain weather it gets dark early. In low-light conditions, this flashlight will guide you through your things.

10. First-Aid Kit:
A first aid kit is an all-time crucial item. It becomes more crucial during the monsoon when the risk of injuries and infections is higher. Your first aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic lotion, ointments and pain relief spray. Along with these, you should also carry scissors, doctor's tape and a small cotton roll.

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