CISCE Exam Result: ICSE, ISC Semester 1 Result To Be Declared At 10 AM. Know How To Check Result
Students can check their results to be announced at 10 am for which they can visit,

New Delhi: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) will announce the first-term board examination results for Class X and XII on Monday. "The results of Class X (ICSE) and Class XII (ISC) first-semester exam will be announced on February 7, Monday," said board's chief executive Gerry Arathoon on Friday, according to PTI.
"The results can be accessed by logging into the CAREERS portal of the council, on the website of the council, as well as through SMS,” Arathoon added.
The schools can check the results by logging in to the Career portal of the council using the principal’s log-in ID and password. Individual students can get their results in SMS as well. Students can check their results on-, The result will be announced at 10 am.
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Check how to download the result
- Go to the official websites-,
- Click on ICSE/ ISC results 2022 link
- Then select class, enter unique ID, index number, and the auto-generated code
- Then submit details to view results
- Download, take a print out for further reference.
Students can also get results via SMS, they need to type ICSE/ISC(space)1234567(Seven Digit Unique ID) and send the message to 09248082883.
While the ICSE exams were held between November 29 and December 16 last year, the ISC exams were conducted between November 22 and December 20.
The exams were conducted in offline mode and the academic session was bifurcated into two terms after the board exams could not be conducted last year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the results had to be announced using an alternate assessment scheme.
The CBSE had also bifurcated the session into two terms and conducted the first semester exams in offline mode. This year, candidates were provided with question paper along with the answer booklets at the time of examination. The candidates were required to write on these booklets only and submit the same to the invigilators at the end of the examination.
It is to be noted that the board will not issue any hard copy of the semester 1 exam results. However, the result will be made available to the schools in the form of online transcripts and result tabulation.
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