IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2023: Preliminary Exam Admit Card Out On ibps.in - Check Direct Hall Ticket Link Here
The IBPS will conduct the IBPS Clerk Preliminary exam 2023 on August 26 and 27, and September 9, 2023, in the online CBT mode.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the admit cards for the IBPS Clerk Recruitment Exam 2023. Candidates who have registered for the recruitment can now download their exam hall tickets from the official website - ibps.in. Candidates will be required to login to the official portal using their credentials like Registration Number/ Roll Number and Password. After downloading the IBPS Admit Cards though, candidates are advised to carefully check all details mentioned on them. As per the official schedule, the IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam 2023 will be conducted on August 26 and 27, and September 9, 2023.
Notably, the IBPS is conducting the IBPS Clerk recruitment 2023 to shortlist suitable candidates for the vacancies of clerks in various banks across the country. The IBPS started inviting applications from eligible candidates on July 1, 2023, and the last date to apply for the recruitment was July 26, 2023.
IBPS Clerk Preliminary Admit Card 2023: Direct Hall Ticket Link
The shortlisting of candidates for the recruitment will be done following a two-stage selection process. First, candidates will be required to appear for the Preliminary Examination and those who clear the preliminary exam will be called for the IBPS Clerk Main Examination 2023. The main examination will be held in October 2023.
The IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam 2023 will be held in the online CBT (Computer Based Test) mode across designated exam centres across the country. The exam paper will have a total of 100 questions carrying 100 marks each. The questions will be spread across three sections: English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Numerical Ability. While there will be 35 questions each in the Numerical and Reasoning Ability sections, there will be 30 questions in the English Language section. The maximum time duration allowed for candidates to answer all questions shall be one hour.
Also Read: JAM 2024: Official Website Launched, Applications Begin September 5 - See Details
IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2023: Steps To Download
- Visit the official website - ibps.in
- On the homepage, click on the link to IBPS Clerk Preliminary Admit Card 2023
- In the new page that opens, login using your Registration Number/ Roll Number and Password
- Your IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam Admit Card 2023 shall now be displayed on your screen
- Check and verify all details mentioned on your admit card
- Download the admit card and take multiple printouts of the same for future reference
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