IIT Bombay GATE 2021: Exam Starts From Feb 6; Check Exam Day Guidelines & Dress Code Here
February 5 will be dedicated to miscellaneous activities, and IIT-Bombay GATE 2021 exams will be held on February 6, 7, 13 and 14. Check the dress code and other guidelines here.

GATE 2021: Students who are looking to study in premier educational institutes are set for Gate 2021 to be conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay from February 5 to 14, 2021. In order to help students, IIT Bombay has released GATE 2021 exam day instructions on its official website, gate.iitb.ac.in. Since the exam will be held during the pandemic, candidates will have to follow certain guidelines while appearing in GATE 2021. Also Read: UGC NET December 2020-21: Application Forms Out; Candidates Must Apply Before March 3rd | Details
The institute had earlier released GATE hall tickets. Those candidates who are havn't yet downloaded their admit cards can still visit the website here and download it by putting their enrolment ID or email and password. You can check the schedule of the examination here. The exam will be conducted in two shifts each day for different GATE subject paper.
February 5 will be dedicated to miscellaneous activities and IIT-Bombay GATE 2021 exams will be held on February 6, 7, 13, and 14. The miscellaneous activities include trial mock tests by zonal officials, briefing to invigilators, selection of scribes, preparation of exam centres, and an optional visit by candidates to check exam centres.
The examination is expected to be taken by almost 9 lakh candidates this year.
Here are instructions for candidates:
Candidates have to reach their GATE exam centres one hour before the commencement of exam.
While standing at the entrance gate, follow the rope queues and floor marks.
If a candidate’s body temperature is above 99.4 degree Fahrenheit, he or she will have to take the exam at an isolation area within the GATE exam centre.
Candidates will be allowed to wear masks, gloves and carry personal hand sanitizer, pen, admit card, water in a transparent bottle and other exam related documents to the exam hall.
When the exam is over, leave the venue in an orderly manner.
You have to drop admit card, rough pad or scribble pad on the dropbox provided at the exam centre.
Note, that students have to maintain social distancing at all times.
GATE 2021 dress code
As per the education portal, there is a certain dress code prescribed for candidates appearing for the exams.
Also, note that candidates must not wear any cloth consisting of metallic items.
Candidates are not allowed to wear a cap/ muffler.
It is important to wear light-weight comfortable clothes to avoid discomfort during writing the exam.
Wearing any kind of jewelry or ornaments is also not allowed
Candidates are strictly prohibited to wear watches, goggles, rings, bracelets, or any of such items.
Candidates not allowed to carry wallets or any pouch
It is to be noted that GATE 2021 has two major changes including the introduction of two new subjects besides relaxation of the GATE 2021 eligibility criteria.
With the introduction of the two new subjects in GATE – Environmental Science and Engineering (ES) and Humanities and Social Science (XS), the total number of subjects has increased to 27. As per the new eligibility criteria, students in the third year of their undergraduate programmes have been made eligible for GATE.
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