Anushka Sharma had shared an adorable photo to wish Virat Kohli on their third wedding anniversary on Instagram. She wrote, "3 years of us & very soon , 3 of us." The actress gave us a sneak peek of her life when she was pregnant through her Instagram handle. (All PICS Credit: Instagram)
Anushka Sharma grabbed several eyeballs when she shared a throwback photo in which she attempted to do the Sirsasana. Her photo created a lot of buzz as fans were worried about her safety. The tinsel town diva assured everyone that she did the asana under the supervision of her Yoga teacher.
Anushka and Virat, who got married on December 11, 2017, will welcome their child after three years of marriage. Virushka fans are quite excited for the arrival of their baby.
Anushka Sharma enjoyed her pregnancy phase to the fullest and she often shared photos flaunting her baby bump on social media.
Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and her husband Virat Kohli are all set to welcome a little bundle of joy into their lives. The celebrity couple announced the arrival of their first child in August 2020.
Anushka Sharma, who was last seen in 'Zero', also shot for a TV commercial for a pregnancy kid. The TVC is currently on air on several channels.
The tinsel town diva, who is due for delivery anytime, grabbed eyeballs with her latest photo-shoot for a leading magazine. Anushka flaunted her bare baby bump while posing for Vogue magazine.
Anushka Sharma's hubby Virat Kohli took time off of her busy schedule to spent quality time with her before the birth of their child.
Anushka Sharma has remained quite active throughout her pregnancy. She gave serious mommy goals to the pregnant ladies.