CBSE 12th Results 2021: How 12th Result Has Been Prepared? Know Formula
CBSE Results: The last date was extended from July 22 to July 25 by the board to finalize the 12th results. CBSE declared the results within 5 days of data submission.

CBSE 12th Results 2021: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has declared the class 12th results at 2 pm today. CBSE class 12th results can be viewed by visiting the board's website at or or you can get a copy of the downloaded results certificate from DigiLocker, Government of India.
The total number of students who appeared for the exam was 1304561. Out of which 1296318 students have passed the examination. This makes up the total percentage of students at 99.37 percent. The total number of students from the Delhi region this year (which includes the number of foreign students) is 291606. Out of which 291135 means 99.84 percent of students have passed. There are around 14 lakh students who have registered for CBSE 12th exam. Out of which 1304561 students gave the exam and 1296318 passed. In fact, the number of private candidates is about 60 thousand (65184), whose results can be declared by August 5. The number of failed students was 8243.
The result of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya was 99.94 percent (99.70 last year), which is better than last year. At the same time, the result of Kendriya Vidyalaya was 100 out of 100. The CTSA i.e. Central Tibetan School Administration also have 100 out of 100 results. To finalize the 12th results, the last date was extended from July 22 to July 25 by the board. Within five days of the data submission, CBSE has given a sigh of relief to the troubled students by announcing the results.
How the result is being prepared
To prepare the CBSE Result 2021, the government has said in the affidavit that there will be 30-30 percent weightage of 10th and 11th. At the same time, 40 percent weightage will be given from the number of 12th pre-board. While giving information on June 17 itself, CBSE had said that out of 5 subjects of class 10, the best marks of 3 subjects will be taken for evaluation. The average of all the five subjects of class 11th will be taken and marks of 12th pre-board exam + practical will be added for evaluation. That is, the results of this year have been declared by adding 30 percent of 10th number, 30 percent of 11th number, and 40 percent of 12th number.
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