PU Non-Teaching Recruitment Exam 2023: NTA Releases Exam Dates - Check Schedule Here
The admit cards for the PU Non-Teaching Recruitment Exam 2023 will be released 3 days before the commencement of the exams.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the exam dates for the PU (Pondicherry) University Non-Teaching Recruitment Exam 2023. As per the official schedule notified, the NTA will conduct the PU Non-Teaching Recruitment Exams on November 25 and 26, 2023. Candidates who have applied for the PU Non-Teaching Recruitment 2023 can also check the complete exam schedule on the official website - nta.ac.in. The National Testing Agency notified the PU Non-Teaching Recruitment Exam Dates 2023 through an official notice on its website.
“The candidates applied for the non-teaching posts in the Pondicherry University Recruitment Exam 2022-23 of (Advt. dated 21.09.2022 and Advt. dated 27.09.2023), are hereby informed that the examination will be conducted in Pen & Paper mode (OMR) as per the schedule given,” reads the official notice on the NTA website that underlines the dates for the PU Non-Teaching Recruitment Exam 2023.
Notably, the Pondicherry University is conducting the recruitment drive to recruit suitable candidates for various non-teaching posts like Junior Assistant, MTS, Personal Assistant, Hindi Translator, Semi Professional Assistant, Lab Assistant Department: Physics, Senior Technical Assistant (Networking/Computer), and Nursing Officer.
Candidates may further note the recruitment examination for PU Non-Teaching posts will be held in Pondicherry only. The admit cards for the exam will be released three days before the commencement of the exams. For more details on the PU Non-Teaching Recruitment 2023, candidates are advised to visit the official website.
“Examination centres will be in Pondicherry city only. Admit Card informing the date of examination, Time/Shift, Exam Centre, Instructions, etc. for the Exam will be issued 3 days prior to date of examination. The candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA website https://nta.ac.in/ and https://recruitment.pondiuni.edu.in/ for the latest updates. For any queries or /clarifications, candidates can call NTA Help Desk at 011- 69227700, 011- 40759000,” the notice adds further.
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