Shahaji Raje Bhonsle: Invisible Hand That Shaped Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji Maharaj
While Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's mother Rajmata Jijabai Saheb is given the due credit for having influenced him, the role of his father Shahaji Raje Bhonsle is not spoken about much.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was born on 19th February 1630. However, historians like James Grant Duff (an officer in the East India Company) and Jadunath Sarkar and Rao Bahadur Sardesai believed that Shivaji Maharaj was born in 1627. The various suggested dates include: The second day of the light half of Vaisakha in the year 1549 of Saka calendar i.e. April 6, 1627.
The boy took an oath to restore the former glory of his Hindu (Sanatani) ancestors and reclaim the land where the Vedas originated.
At age 16, he and his band of boys took the first fort. The fierce fighter and statesman known for his guerilla tactics and speed of attack, was brought up by his mother Jijabai, a brave Maratha woman who was the daughter of a warrior general — the aristocratic Lakhuji Jadhav of Sindkhed. Though forced apart from her husband due to his military campaigns majorly in Karnataka, Jijabai ensured the young Shiva ingrained pride in his culture and high moral values along with high doses of bravery.
But what is often ignored by most people is the fact that the great Maratha warrior who is credited with corroding the Islamic invaders' power in India was also especially enabled by the invisible hand of his equally high calibre warrior general father — Shahaji Bhonsle (aka Shahji Bhonsle).
How Shahaji Raje Modelled His Son Remotely
Jadunath Sarkar writes in his book, “Shivaji and His Times”, that in 1637 "Jijabai and Shiva were now removed from Shivner (his birthplace) to Pune and Dadoji was appointed their guardian”. He further states that "The Tarikh-i-Shivaji tells us that Dadoji trained Shivaji and appointed an excellent teacher for him. In a short time Shiva became skilled in fighting, riding, and other accomplishments."
Sarkar says Dadoji wanted to see the young Shivaji "to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and rise to wealth and position as an obedient vassal and captain of mercenaries under Adil Shah. The young lad's association with the hill brigands and his projects ... and surprise of forts filled Dadaji with apprehensions about his future. He complained to Shahji, but without succeeding in effecting a reform". After Dadaji Kond-dev's death in early 1647, "Shivaji became his own master".
Grant James Duff's book "History of the Mahrattas" was originally published in the early 19th century (circa 1826). Duff writes almost similar details: "When Shahjee went with Morar Punt, to Beejapoor, Jeejee Bye accompanied him, but only remained until the celebration of Sivajee’s marriage to Suhyee Bye, the daughter of Nimbalkur ; after which event Shahjee set out upon the Carnatic expedition, and Sivajee, with his mother, was sent to reside at Poona. By Tooka Bye Mohitey, his second wife, Shahjee had one son, Venkajee…”
He adds: "All Mahratta officers of consequence invariably retain a number of Bramins in their service, as writers and men of business, Shahjee had a vast number of this description, some of whom had followed his fortunes, and contributed to his success at a more prosperous period; and others, who had been displaced by the Moghuls on occupying the country, now naturally adhered to him, in hopes of finding employment and subsistence. Among all these, his most confidential men were Naroo Punt Hunwuntay, and Dadajee Kond-deo; the former he appointed to the manage¬ ment of his districts in the Carnatic, and the latter had charge of his family and jagheer at Poona."
That means, Shahaji Raje not only gave the young 6-7-year-old Shivaji a free rein in the faraway jagir of Pune and thereabouts, but also entrusted his training in warfare and other essential skills to Dadoji Kond-dev, his trusted lieutenant.
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How Shahaji Played Helpless And Secretly Encouraged Son
Duff further writes: "Sivajee’s rebellion, in consequence of the report of Moolana Ahmed, began to create general anxiety at Beejapoor; but Mahummud Adil Shah, impressed with an idea of its being secretly incited by Shahjee, took no active measures to suppress it by force... The king (Adil Shah), therefore, sent private orders to Bajee Ghorepuray of Moodhole, then serving in the same part of the country, to seize and confine him. This object Ghorepuray effected by treachery: he invited Shahjee to an entertainment, and made him prisoner.
"On being brought to court, Shahjee was urged to suppress his son’s rebellion, for which purpose freedom of correspondence was allowed between them... Shahjee persisted in declaring that he was unconnected with his son; that Sivajee was as much in rebellion against him as against the king’s government; and recommended his being reduced to obedience by force of arms. Nothing he urged could convince Mahummud Adil Shah of his innocence; and, being enraged at his supposed contumacy, he ordered Shahjee to be confined in a stone dungeon, the door of which was built up, except a small opening; and he was told, that if within a certain period his son did not submit, the aperture should be for ever closed.
"Sivajee, when he heard of the imprisonment and danger which threatened his father, is said to have entertained thoughts of submitting; but if he ever seriously intended to adopt such a plan, it was overruled by the opinion of his wife, Suhyee Bye, who represented that he had a better chance of effecting Shahjee’s liberty by maintaining his present power, than by trusting to the mercy of a government notoriously treacherous."
To counter Adil Shah, Shivaji entered into correspondence with Shah Jehan, for the purpose of procuring his father’s release.
"He was released from his dungeon on giving security; but he was kept a prisoner at large, in Beejapoor, for four years (1648-1652)...During the four years Shahjee was detained at Beejapoor, Sivajee, apprehensive, perhaps, for his father’s safety, committed few aggressions, and the king was probably, deterred from sending a force against him, lest it should induce Sivajee to give up the country to the Moghuls, which the emperor had sufficient excuse for receiving, on account of arrears of tribute," writes Duff.
Love And Reverence Of Shivaji Maharaj For Shahaji Raje
Duff also states how Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj held his father in high reverence. He mentions how Shahaji Raje met Shivaji Maharaj as a mediator from Adil Shah ... in a meeting that took place after Shivaji had captured several forts in the Deccan, which alarmed the Adil Shahi Sultanate.
"Shahaji was sent to persuade Shivaji to align with Adil Shah, but Shivaji remained firm in his vision of Swarajya. Shahaji was accompanied by his younger son, Venkoji (Ekoji), during this meeting.”
Duff says that Shahaji was "...delighted with the exploit of his son against the treacherous Ghorepuray, came from the Carnatic, accompanied by his other son, Venkajee, and visited Sivajee, with the consent and approbation of his own government. Sivajee treated his father with the greatest distinction, and on hearing of his approach, according to Mahratta notions of profound respect, went several miles to meet him, dismounted from his horse, and saluted him with the obeisance due by a servant to his sovereign; insisted on walking by the side of his father’s palanquin, and would not sit in his presence until repeatedly commanded.”
Jadunath Sarkar writes: "Shivaji's annexations had reached this point by the middle of 1648, when his career of conquest was suddenly checked by alarming news from the Karnatak. On 6th August his father was arrested and all his property and contingent attached by the Bijapuri commander-in-chief, Mustafa Khan, then investing Jinji in the South Arcot district."
This arrest of Shahaji is ascribed to the "Bijapuri king's anger at Shivaji's usurpations and Shahji's supposed connivance at them”.
Sarkar says: "As the release of Shahji had been conditional, Shiva kept quiet during the years 1649 to 1655. He seems to have contented himself with consolidating his conquests and organising their administration, instead of giving the Bijapur Government new provocation by fresh annexations."
Shahaji Raje died sometime around January 1664, in Hodigere, near Channagiri (present-day Karnataka) in a tragic accident that took place while he was out hunting. His horse fell into a deep ditch, and he suffered fatal injuries. His body was recovered and cremated with honours by his younger son, Venkoji (Ekoji), who ruled over Tanjore (Thanjavur in present-day Tamil Nadu). Venkoji Raje was geographically closer to where Shahaji Raje died. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was then in Maharashtra, engaged in intense conflict with the Mughals and Adil Shah of Bijapur.
Shahaji Raje’s Legacy And The Bhonsle Kings
Though he could not attend the funeral, Shivaji upheld his father’s legacy by continuing his mission of establishing a free Maratha kingdom. In 1674, Shivaji dedicated his coronation at Raigad to both his parents, honouring their vision for Swarajya.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s son Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj was named after his deceased uncle, the elder brother of Shivaji Maharaj. Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj was born on May 14, 1657, at Purandar Fort, which means he was only around 6-7 years old when his grandfather Shahaji Raje died.
Shahaji Raje spent most of his later years in Karnataka managing his jagirs under the Adil Shahi Sultanate, while Sambhaji Raje was raised in Maharashtra under Shivaji Maharaj and Rajmata Jijabai’s care.
Given the geographical distance and political conditions, there was no documented meeting between the grandfather and grandson. But like his valourous ancestors, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj became the stumbling block in the path of the Islamic invaders and died defending his forefathers’ idea and endeavours of Hindawi Swaraj. His extended torture and death at the behest of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1689 also sounded the death knell for the Mughal empire and Aurangzeb could not return to Delhi his seat of power. In 1707, after being stuck and embroiled in battle in Maharashtra to try to finish the Marathas, the old and depressed Aurangzeb died thousand plus kilometres away from home and was buried at Khuldabad in a district now named after Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj.
The writer is a senior independent journalist.
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