Yes, it snowed in Saudi Arabia’s deserts and pictures are surprising
A rare snowstorm in north-west Saudi Arabia's Tabuk region that covered the entire area with white snow is really shocking.

Photo: Twitter,B_GaySA
Saudi Arabia: After snowfall in Ain Sefra, a desert town in Algeria a few days ago, nature has again shocked us with a rare snowstorm in north-west Saudi Arabia's Tabuk region that covered the entire area with white snow. The snow remained intact for a good portion of the day.
Well, at first this may seem interesting to many of us but in the long run, such changes in nature is an alarm for the bigger consequences which may prove disastrous. The disturbance in the temperature leading to rise in temperature during summers and coolest winter is a matter of concern.
People around the area couldn't keep calm while witnessing the unusual white winter. They wasted no time in making the video of this rare scene and posted them on Social media. The mesmerizing site attracted a large number of visitors from outside the region too.
Check it out some shocking pictures:
#عدسة_واس ؛ترصد تساقط الثلوج على #جبل_اللوز.#واس
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#تصويري #رايكم #جبل_اللوز pic.twitter.com/VLwxl5pnhS
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Welcome to the land of snow covered camels ❄️???? #NEOM#Tabuk pic.twitter.com/Qa9B4qEYHX — B (@B_GaySA) January 26, 2018
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#جبل_اللوز Winter is here in tabuk ❄️. pic.twitter.com/v9FIcPiR5S — خالد. (@ikld10) January 26, 2018
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