World Mental Health Day: 5 Easy Sadhguru Tips To Improve Mental Health
World Mental Health Day: Today’s lifestyle demands that we are both physically fit and mentally sharp as the exclusivity of physical and mental work is now gone.

By Purvi Asthana
World Mental Health Day 2023: With the fast-paced and hectic modern lifestyle, we often tend to ignore our physical and mental health. On World Mental Health Day, we bring to you five easy to implement yet incredibly useful tips from Sadhguru that can help us realign our body, mind and emotions and improve our psychological wellbeing:
1. Use your body
Every human body has certain allotments of energy for action, emotion and intellect and may differ from person to person. However, the energy allotment for action and intellect is largely going unused in today’s world which is leading to all sorts of mental ailments and depression. Sadhguru recommends involvement in sports and music for kids suffering from mental ailments as without emotional expression and physical exertion, one is bound to become depressed.
2. Connect with nature
As screens take up more of our time and attention, we are losing connect with everything that supports and manages our lives. Rather than vacationing in Mumbai or Dubai, it would be better to go take a walk in a forest or go out on a boat somewhere where one can be exposed to and connect with nature. This will increase one’s involvement and engagement with the world around. Physical, physiological and psychological health can be easily managed if one is in touch with the elements of nature such as water, light, soil and so on. The more exposed to nature one is, the more balanced they are physiologically and psychologically.
3. Eat food that enhances your mental capacity & stability
In this country, we would have different kinds of food and eating habits for those involved in physical activity or mental work. However, today’s lifestyle demands that we are both physically fit and mentally sharp as the exclusivity of physical and mental work is now gone. Having a glass of ash gourd juice daily enhances mental clarity and sharpness. Coffee gives one energy with agitation whereas ash gourd juice gives one tremendous amounts of energy while at the same time keeping one completely calm. Daily consumption of honey is also extremely beneficial as it brings psychological stability, physical well being and vitality to the system.
4. Keep your colon clean
Different bodies have different levels of efficiency in the cleansing processes of sweating, urination, excretion and exhalation. For those in good health and eating the right kind of food, not a speck of waste should remain in the colon after the emptying of bowels. In yoga, the colon being clean is of utmost importance as otherwise it would create physical and mental imbalances in the human body. Psychological disturbances are directly connected to the colon not being clean. This is evidenced by the fact that if you were to ever go to an Ayurvedic doctor for any ailment, the first step they take is to purge your system. “The bowels must be naturally emptied within the first twenty minutes of waking up otherwise one could be in ill health or heading there quickly – both physical and psychological.”
5. Engineer yourself with wellbeing
Managing our body, mind, emotional and energies well will produce a certain level of life for us. One needs to bring physical health, mental peace and joy, emotional stability and exuberance and effervescent and balanced energies within human beings. Achieving this can put one on the path of being complete human beings capable of living full and happy lives.
The author is an educator and Teach for India alum.
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