PFI calls 'Bandh' In Kerala on Friday to protest against raids by Central Agencies | Abp news
The Popular Front of India (PFI) has called a dawn-to-dusk bandh in Kerala on Friday in protest against raids carried out by multiple central agencies in their organisation's offices and houses of leaders. The bandh will be held from 6 am to 6 pm. Basic and essential services have been excluded from the shutdown.
"A hartal will be observed in the state on September 23 against the RSS-controlled fascist government's attempt to silence dissenting voices using the central agencies," A Abdul Sathar, state general secretary, PFI, said.
Addressing a press conference, Abdul Sathar said the central investigating agencies were trying to create a smoke screen against the outfits that have been functioning in a democratic manner.
"Through such deeds, the Centre is actually indulging in anti-constitutional activities. The public society should raise its voice against such practices to protect the country," PTI quoted Sathar as saying.