Tamil Nadu: Weeks After Verdict In Sensational Cuddalore Caste Killing Case, Gang Attacks Mom Of Victim
The mother is currently receiving treatment at a government hospital in Vriddhachalam and the police have registered a case.
Chennai: A month has not passed since the verdict of the sensational Kannagi-Murugesan double caste killing case in Cuddalore, but a group of seven men has attacked Murugesan's mother in her village using sticks and bricks. The mother is currently receiving treatment at a government hospital in Vriddhachalam and the police have registered a case.
According to a report on Times of India, a group of seven people barged into the home of Murugesan's mother, Chinnapillai (60), and started verbally abusing and attacking her with sticks and stones. They hit her head against a two-wheeler near the home leaving her injured, as per the details provided in the FIR of Virudhachalam police. Following this, Chinnapillai was rushed to the hospital and has been receiving treatment.
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The tussle between the two groups started in 2003, when a Dalit youth Murugesan married a woman Kannagi from vanniyar community against the wishes of the bride's parents. The family of Kannagi then brought the couple to public view and made them drink poison. They then burned them alive while the villagers were watching them.
The police initially refused to accept the murder as a caste killing but later filed a case against the parents of the bride. The Court also transferred the case to CBI.
In September 2021, after nearly 18 years, the SC/ST special court sentenced Kannagi's brother to death and pronounced life sentences to 11 other relatives of Kannagi. The Court also found two policemen guilty of the crime.
However, this was not the end, since Murugesan's brother Palanivel told TOI that their family has been witnessing insults and harassment in public places after the verdict. Till now, the police have not arrested anyone in connection with the case.