Vibing with Ganpati on the band - Alchemy's music with Aniruddha Deshpande | Vibing With Ganpati Ep - 1
Episode Description
Its Ganesh Chaturthi and ABP Live Podcasts is here with a special celebration of this beautiful festival with our new Podcast- Vibing with Ganpati. This Ganesh Utsav we will be Vibing with Ganpati on some amazing music and good food. Today on ABP Live Podcasts we have the vocalist, guitarist and song writer of the band Alchemy, Aniruddha Deshpande who is going to share his experience of Ganesh Utsav and of course sing some beautiful and mesmerising songs for Ganpati and from his amazing band Alchemy. So to have a gala time and to enjoy Ganesh Utsav with all the zest and lots of music, tune into today's episode of Vibing with Ganpati only on ABP Live Podcasts.
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