The 31-year-old Bollywood actress said, ““He just gave me the ring basically but it was a complete surprise for me. I am very very happy that I am going to spend the rest of my life with the right person. Quite excited that he is the one, and I will be spending my life with him,” told the Indian Express (Photo
The couple announced their relation when they made an appearance together at Yuvraj and Hazel Keech’s wedding ceremony in 2016.(Instagram)
Zaheer will join the likes of Yuvraj and Harbhajan Singh to marry B-town actress. (Photo: AFP)
Zaheer and Sagarika got engaged in May 2017 in private ceremony and are now ready to take the next big step. (Photo: Instagram)
Sagarika also went on reveal that they will tie the knot on 27 November 2017. (Photo: Instagram)
The celebrity couple is all set to get hitched later this year. (Photo: Instagram)
Former India pacer Zaheer Khan and Chak De India actress Sagarika Ghatge have good news for all their fans. (Photo: Instagram)