Navratri 2023: 5 Things to Know About Linga Bhairavi Devi
Linga Bhairavi Devi is a powerful form of the feminine. She is a manifestation of tamas, rajas and sattva gunas, respectively represented by Ma Durga, Ma Lakshmi and Ma Saraswati.

By Purvi Asthana
yadhihāsti tadanyatra yannehāsti na tatkvacit
"What is here is elsewhere; what is not here is nowhere”
~ Viśvasāra-Tantra
This is exactly how one could describe the Devi Temple at Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore. As soon as one enters the space, one can feel a hypnotic draw towards Devi and her arresting gaze. Unique in her form of a linga, Linga Bhairavi Devi is a powerful form of the feminine. She is a manifestation of tamas, rajas and sattva gunas, respectively represented by Ma Durga, Ma Lakshmi and Ma Saraswati. As we celebrate the divine form of the feminine in Navratri, here are 5 things to know about Bhairavi devi or the Goddess of the Kundalini:
1. Who is Bhairavi?
Bhairavi literally means “awe-inspiring”. One of the ten Mahavidyas (avatars of the Mother Goddess), she is a consort to Bhairav according to the Puranas. The Linga Bhairavi stuti, which is a chant of 33 auspicious names of the Devi, refers to her as Swadharini (independent/ self-reliant), Nageshwari (Goddess of Serpents), Hiranya Garbhini (womb of creation) and Sarva Janani (Mother of all) — denoting the many aspects and qualities of the Goddess.
2. Consecration
When you walk into the temple, what you see is not just a mere statue but a living deity who has been consecrated through a powerful process called “Prana Pratistha”, a mystical process by which life energies (Prana) is established (Pratistha) in the idol.
3. Chakras
The Linga Bhairavi is the embodiment of three and a half chakras: Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipuraka and half of Anahata. This energy structure has been incorporated into the rasa danda (mercury rod) inserted inside the linga during consecration and bring stability, health and well-being.
4. Significance of Devi in Yogic lore
In the Yogic lore, the whole universe has been created by the union of two forces: Shiva (absolute stillness) and Shakti (Energy). Bhairavi, or the dark one, resides in emptiness where even light does not exist. When she meets Shiva, he comes awake as Rudra, giving rise to the universe. Thus, the perfect, indestructible union of masculine and feminine energies creates and sustains the universe.
5. Who takes care of the temple?
The Bhairavi Temple, though open to all, is exclusively managed by women called Bhairagini Maas and Upasakas who do a certain type of sadhana, which is Devi oriented. It is probably one of the only temples in the world taken care of by women.
Linga Bhairavi
Seek her in Devotion
She is an ocean of Compassion
Seek her in Desperation
She is a steadfast Companion
Seek her in true Passion
You will be loved to Distraction
Just seek her in your Confusion
She will lead you to Fruition
Jai Bhairavi Devi!
— Sadhguru
The author is an educator and Teach for India alum. She is a science enthusiast with a Master's degree in physics.
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