WATCH VIDEO: Nana Patekar FINALLY reacts on Tanushree Dutta's allegations against him, says 'Jo jhhooth hai wo jhhooth hi hai."
Actor Nana Patekar on Saturday pushed aside the mics at the airport here as media persons urged him to answer questions about Tanushree Dutta's allegation that he sexually harassed her on the set of a film a decade ago. Later, he said that lies will remain lies.
Nana was on his way from Jodhpur to catch a flight to Mumbai when paparazzi questioned him about the accusations.
Nana Patekar snapped at the Jodhpur airport today, October 6, 2018.
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The actor avoided the questions and made his way straight into the airport without saying a word, even as a media personnel asked him thrice as to why he was silent, according to videos across social media platforms.
In another video, before Nana was getting into a car, he said: "I have already answered... Jo jhooth hai woh jhooth hai (what is a lie is a lie)".#NanaPatekar chooses to not answer questions regarding #TanushreeDutta, watch the video* pic.twitter.com/vmFzxxTcOd
— BombayTimes (@bombaytimes) October 6, 2018
The actor, who was in Rajasthan to shoot a film, is likely to hold a press conference in Mumbai in a day or two to address the issue. ‘Queen’ Director Vikas Bahl accused of sexual assault, SURVIVOR speaks out; CHILLING DETAILS INSIDE Last month, Tanushree came in front of the media and accused the "Welcome" actor of harassing her on the sets of their 2008 film "Horn Ok Pleassss". She had raised her voice a decade ago too, but has said her voice was suppressed by those in powerful positions. The naming and shaming has led several women to come forward and point fingers at sexual harassment incidents they have faced, and several celebrities in showbiz, who have condemned the practice, have spoken out in support of the #MeToo movement.#WATCH: Actor #NanaPatekar reacts on #TanushreeDutta's allegations against him, says 'Jo jhhooth hai wo jhhooth hi hai." pic.twitter.com/Kg8RITtY3z
— ANI (@ANI) October 6, 2018
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