
5 Smart Ways To Improve Your CIBIL Score

Elevate your credit score and unlock financial opportunities with a little help from Bajaj Finance.


One crucial aspect lenders consider when you apply for credit products is your CIBIL Score. Your CIBIL Score reflects your credit history, telling lenders how reliable you are as a borrower. Keeping your CIBIL Score high is a surefire way to boost your chances of approval and enhance your financial standing.

Understanding your CIBIL Score

Let’s start by exploring what your CIBIL Score is all about. For starters, it’s a three-digit number that ranges between 300 and 900. An ideal score of 750 or higher indicates greater creditworthiness. Factors like your payment history, credit utilisation, credit mix, length of credit history, and recent credit enquiries influence your CIBIL Score. 

If your credit score isn’t where you want it to be, fret not! Here are five smart ways to improve your CIBIL Score:

  1. Pay your bills and dues on time

Punctual payments of your bills and dues on time will positively impact your CIBIL Score. It also proves how responsible and reliable you are as a borrower. Remember, the converse is also true. So, consider setting up reminders or automating payments to avoid missing a deadline. Also, clear your dues in full each month to maintain a positive credit history.

  1. Maintain a low credit utilisation ratio

Your credit utilisation ratio is the percentage of the total available credit you’re using. To keep your CIBIL Score healthy, it’s important to maintain a credit utilisation ratio of 30% or lower. So, if you have a credit limit of Rs. 50,000, try not to exceed Rs. 15,000 in outstanding balances. Also, avoid maxing out your credit cards or taking on multiple loans simultaneously. After all, you don’t want to give the impression that you’re overly dependent on credit.

  1. Avoid multiple credit applications

Submitting too many credit applications within a short duration can raise red flags for lenders. Each application triggers a ‘hard’ credit enquiry which temporarily lowers your CIBIL Score. It’s best to be selective about credit applications and avoid unnecessary enquiries. Space out your applications wisely to allow lenders to see you as a dependable borrower. This will only help improve your CIBIL Score.

  1. Diversify your credit mix

A healthy credit mix is favourable for your CIBIL Score. It shows that you can handle different types of financial responsibilities. If you rely solely on credit cards, consider diversifying by adding other credit accounts like a secured home/ auto loan or a collateral-free personal loan. This will create a positive impression and help you avoid relying excessively on a single credit type.

  1. Regularly check your credit report 

Your credit report contains all the information that contributes to your CIBIL Score. However, it is also prone to errors, and mistakes on your report could drag your credit score down. It’s essential to monitor your report periodically to identify any discrepancies or inaccuracies that may have crept in. These may include incorrect payment statuses or even accounts that don’t belong to you. If you spot any mistakes, immediately dispute them with the credit bureau to rectify the information and improve your score. 

You can easily implement these five strategies with your Bajaj Finserv Credit Pass. A personalised dashboard lets you monitor all your credit accounts so you never miss a deadline. Monthly CIBIL Score checks and easily accessible credit health reports empower you to stay on top of your credit game. Use the interactive Credit Score Simulator and EMI Calculator to make informed decisions about your credit applications going forward. What’s more, you can now enjoy unlimited access to all of the Credit Pass features and tools for free for the first twelve months!

Remember, improving your CIBIL Score is a journey that requires patience and time. So, don't be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Most changes take up to a year to reflect on your credit report. Just stay committed to these smart practices and you’ll be well on your way to a healthy financial profile. 

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Published at : 07 Jun 2023 12:02 PM (IST) Tags: cibil score Improve CIBIL Score
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