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Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath today held a press conference on two years completion of his government. He said," BJP-led state government has been able to change perception about UP in two years. Not a single riot in UP after BJP came to power."
The Bharatiya Janata Party leader said the state had witnessed hundreds of communal riots during the last regime of Samajwadi Party including the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013, but in the last two years, under our watch there has not been a single communal incident.
The Bharatiya Janata Party leader said the state had witnessed hundreds of communal riots during the last regime of Samajwadi Party including the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013, but in the last two years, under our watch there has not been a single communal incident.
Prashant Kishor Arrested in Patna: Police Removes Him from Hunger Strike, Takes Him to AIIMS
Prashant Kishor Arrested: Police Takes Action Amid BPSC Protest, Medical Checkup Conducted
Delhi Elections: Congress Supports AAP Against Ramesh Bidhuri's Controversial Remarks
HMPV Virus First Case in India: Bengaluru Reports Infection in 8-Month-Old Baby
Chhattisgarh Crime: Main Accused in Mukesh Chandrakar Murder Arrested in Hyderabad
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