Tamil Nadu: Thousands Of Women Block Road Demanding Details About 8 'Missing' Co-Workers, Traffic Hit In Chennai-Bengaluru Highway
The agitators alleged that they fear that the eight persons might have died since there was a WhatsApp forward informing them of the same.
Chennai: Thousands of women working in a private mobile manufacturing unit in Sriperumbudur gathered on Chennai-Bengaluru Highway on Friday midnight and took to a road roko demanding details of eight women colleagues who were allegedly admitted to hospital after food poisoning on Wednesday. The protesters blocked the traffic flow between Chennai and Bengaluru for several hours on the highway on Saturday.
According to a report on ABP Nadu, thousands of women employees were residing in a hostel on Ponnamalle provided by the mobile manufacturing unit and all of them used to consume the food provided at their stay. Likewise, the women consumed food provided by the hostel on Wednesday and most of them fell ill. Of the total 5,000 women in the facility, nearly 100 of them required hospitalization for food poisoning in government and private hospitals nearby. All the 100 women were discharged from the hospital after 2 days but except eight colleagues who did not return back to the stay.
Following this, the women started to conduct a talk with the hostel and company heads to sort the issue and to provide them with quality food.
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Yet the company employees alleged that the company did not provide any assurance nor did they provide details of the eight persons who have gone ‘missing’.
After waiting for several hours, thousands of women employees took to a road roko and blocked the road for more than eight hours. The police personnel rushed to the spot and tried to pacify the employees but they refused to end the protest and demanded details on the eight persons. They also alleged that they fear that the eight persons might have died since there was a WhatsApp forward informing them of the same.
(With inputs from ABP Nadu — It is a Tamil platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from Tamil Nadu, follow https://tamil.abplive.com/)