WB Police Constable Preliminary Exam 2021 Date Announced, Check Full Schedule Here
The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board has released the date for Constable Recruitment Preliminary Written Examination 2021.
WB Police Recruitment 2021: West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has announced the date for the Preliminary Written Examination 2021 for recruitment to the post of Constable and Lady Constable in West Bengal Police. The preliminary written examination for recruitment of constable and lady constable will be held on September 26 (Sunday) from 12 noon to 1 pm.
E-admit cards can be downloaded from September 6:
Candidates who have applied online for the exam can download the e-admit card by registering their date of birth and application number from the official website of West Bengal Police from September 6. The official notice mentions that an SMS alert will be sent to the registered mobile number of the candidates. However, the board will not be responsible for the non-delivery of such SMS.
No entry to exam centre without admit card:
Candidates will have to submit the printout of their e-admit card with ID proof at the exam venue. Candidates who have applied online will not get any paper admit card, this will be issued only to offline applicants.
Vacancy Details:
A total of 7440 posts of Constables and 1192 posts of Lady Constables are to be recruited in West Bengal Police through this recruitment drive. Online applications were invited in January and February this year.
Selection process:
For recruitment to these posts candidates will have to qualify in several criteria. You must first pass the preliminary examination. Pre-qualifying candidates will appear in the final written test and will appear in the Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Interview Round conducted by West Bengal Police Recruitment Board. Candidates qualified in all these phases will be eligible for recruitment.
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