You Too Can Create A Fund Of Rs 23 Crores By Retirement. Invest This Much Amount Every Month
If an investment is made in SIP starting at the age of 25 and continued till the age of 60, then investor can reap benefits of compounding interest.
New Deljo: If you want to be financially independent and stress free after retirement then the only way is to create a fund of crores of rupees by the age of 60. Positively, if long term investment is properly planned then by the age of 60 a fund of Rs. 23 crores can be easily created.
Investing in mutual funds through SIP is considered a good option. A large number of retail investors are making money in Mutual Funds through Systematic Investment Plan (SIP).
This is how a fund of 23 crores can be created
If investment is started in SIP at the age of 25 and continued till the age of 60, then the investor can get benefits of compounding interest. Because of this a huge fund can be created at the time of retirement. Experts believe that investing for 35 years yields a return of 12 to 16 per cent on investment.
According to financial experts, suppose an investor starts a SIP of Rs 14,500 crore a month at the age of 25. Investor can raise a fund of Rs 22.93 crore if they invest continuously till the age of 60 and get an annual return of 12 per cent.
(It should be noted that here ABP News is not advising to invest in any fund. The details provided here are for informational purposes only. Mutual funds are subject to investment market risk, read all plan documents carefully. The NAV of the schemes may go up and down based on factors and strengths affecting the security market, including fluctuations in interest rates. The prior performance of a mutual fund may not necessarily be indicative of the future performance of the plans. Mutual funds do not guarantee or assure any dividend under any schemes and are subject to availability and adequacy of distributable surplus. Investors are requested to review the prospectus carefully and obtain expert professional advice with regard to specific legal, tax, and financial implications of the investment/participation in the scheme.)