Can Drinking Water Really Help You Shed Pounds? Unveiling The Surprising Water Trick For Weight Loss | Health Live
Have you heard about Alan Aragon's water trick? This simple yet effective strategy aims to increase feelings of fullness and potentially reduce overall calorie intake, aiding in weight loss. The method involves drinking two glasses of water before meals, helping control hunger and boost satiety, making it easier to avoid overeating and keep excess calories at bay. Research suggests benefits from drinking water with meals, although there is no solid evidence of digestive issues caused by it. A 2010 study published in 'Obesity' found that drinking 500 ml of water before meals helped middle-aged and older adults lose weight more effectively when combined with a calorie-restricted diet. Additionally, another study in the 'Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism' indicated that drinking half a liter of water can boost metabolism by 30% for up to 40 minutes.