Royal Challengers Bangalore skipper Virat Kohli on Tuesday gave a glimpse of the things he keeps in his practice kit bag. In the video posted on the RCB's official social media profile, the star player introduced the fans to what he keeps inside his kitbag and equipment he carries.
During the training session, Kohli explained in detail about all the belongings he keeps in his kitbag. During this, he also gave a glimpse of the bats used in the match and revealed that the thigh pad he uses has his test cap number of 269.
Kohli revealed that he brought 11 bats and 10 to 11 gloves for IPL 2020, taking place in the United Arab Emirates. In addition, he also revealed that he uses grip cream before wearing gloves.
In the video, Kohli said, “A cricket kit for any cricketer is the most special thing. As kids, we know how excited we used to be to get a new kit bag, new pads, helmets and bats. I think that feeling of getting the new equipment for something you love doing is something that stays with all cricketers. I love packing my bag for any new series or tour. Just the smell of a new cricket gear, packing my things nicely and knowing something is organised gives me a lot of joy.”
"There’s an extra RCB cap, a thigh guard that I love using, this one is a one that I have used for a long time now and I love how solid and compact it is. And it has got my test number on it, not the ODI number, not the T20I number, but the Test number. It’s quite special to me. I have got my MRF pads, red for RCB, really nice pairs, I love getting news pairs probably for every series and tournament that I play, especially for IPL I get all new gear as it happens once a year,” he added.
Virat Kohli-skippered Royal Challengers Bangalore looks in great rhythm in the IPL 2020 being played in the UAE. RCB's team is third in the points table with 10 points by winning 5 out of 7 matches. Kohli failed to score runs at the start of this season but he has also returned to form in the last 3 matches and has scored 2 fifties so far.
In their last game, Royal Challengers Bangalore defeated Kolkata Knight Riders by 82 runs, courtesy a superb bowling by the spinners after AB de Villiers' whirlwind 33-ball 73.
After winning the toss, the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) came out to bat. De Villiers and captain Virat Kohli (33 not out), with their unbeaten 100-run partnership in 7.4 overs for their third wicket, helped their team score a mammoth score of 194. In response, the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) team could only manage 112 runs for nine wickets in 20 overs.