Sailing through rough seas with Abhimanyu Panwar | Cracking Conversations Ep- 17
Episode Description
Did you know that sailing is a competitive sport? Yes it is and we have a professional sailor here on board with us on Cracking Conversations! In today's episode Nipun Dawar will have a chat with Abhimanyu Panwar, a sailor and the founder of Sportifying India. He is an active athlete and indulges in off beat sports like Kayaking, Sailing and a lot more. Abhimanyu has competed in multiple national and international level sailing championships. How do competitions take place in sailing? Is Sailing easy? Does it get it tough while sailing through the seas? and how can one become a professional sailor? To find out tune into today's episode of Cracking Conversations. Only on ABP Live Podcasts.
Abhimanyu Panwar and his team - Team Sportifying India which has won the silver medal in long-distance sailing and stood 4th in the J80 Asian sailing Championship has been invited to represent the country at the J80 Worlds Championship scheduled to be held at Newport, Rhode Island, USA from 01 to 09 Oct 2022. More than 100 teams from around the world will be participating in the event. To compete in the Championship
As sailing is a mighty expensive sport they need your love and support. Please donate funds for them to be able to represent our country in the J80 World Championship. You can donate on the link below: