
IFSC Code Finder

IFSC stands for 'Indian Financial System Code'. The code is important for any bank related transactions to be carried out online. You will be prompted to use the IFSC code for National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) or Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or transacting through IMPS mode. This code helps in identifying a particular bank branch and all bank branches are provided with a unique 11 characters code. The letter 'C' in IFSC code represents the code but in common parlance it is called IFSC. The same IFSC code is given to a single branch of a bank.

The first four digits of the IFSC represent the bank and last six characters represent the branch. The fifth character is zero.
Enter IFSC code to know bank details:


What is IFSC Code?

It stands for 'Indian Financial System Code'. The code is important for any bank related transactions to be carried out online. You will be prompted to use the IFSC code for National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) or Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or transacting through IMPS mode. This code helps in identifying a particular bank branch and all bank branches are provided with a unique 11 characters code. The letter ‘C’ in IFSC code represents the code but in common parlance it is called IFSC. The same IFSC code is given to a single branch of a bank.
The first four digits of the IFSC represent the bank and last six characters represent the branch. The fifth character is zero.

Where to find the IFSC Code?

You can take the help of IFSC finder to track the code of your branch.

  1. The first step is to choose a bank. Select your bank
  2. Then you have to mention where the bank is located - Select the state
  3. State the district where the bank is located - Select the district
  4. Lastly, select the branch of the bank located in the district
  5. Then there is a search button in which you can also type in the IFSC Code to get information about the bank and branch.
  6. Enter the IFSC code for bank information.
  7. Get information

How to find IFSC Code Of your branch online?

The 11-digit alphanumeric Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) can be found online using various IFSC finders available on RBI website, official website of your bank's branch, or by third party websites.

Steps to find the IFSC Code online?

You can take the help of IFSC finder to track the code of your branch by following the mentioned steps:

  1. The first step is to choose a bank. Select your bank
  2. Then you have to mention where the bank is located - Select the state
  3. State the district where the bank is located - Select the district
  4. Lastly, select the branch of the bank located in the district
  5. Then there is a search button in which you can also type in the IFSC Code to get information about the bank and branch.
  6. Enter the IFSC code for bank information.
  7. Get information

How to find IFSC Code of your branch offline?

As mentioned above, one can search IFSC code of his/her respective bank's branch with the help of IFSC finders available online on various website. But, customers may also opt for offline methods.

  1. The customer may call the respective branch of bank and inquire about the IFSC code and other details.
  2. Customers can also refer to the bank's passbook or the chequebook. It is usually written on the top of a cheque leaf near the bank account number. The IFSC Code consists of 4 letters in the starting which signify the bank's name. It is followed by a single zero and then 6 digit number which signify the branch of your respective bank.

What Is MICR Code?

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition commonly written as MICR Code is a 9-digit code that identifies the bank branches that are taking part in an ECS (Electronic Clearing System). The MICR Code allotted to a bank branch is printed at the bottom of your cheque leaf, adjacent to the cheque number. It is a 9-digit numeric code where the first three digits specify the respective city, the next three represent the bank while last three characters denote the branch identity.



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