BGMI Tips & Tricks: Ambush Like A Pro. Know How To Shoot Like John Wick
Blow a kiss, fire a gun, I just need somebody to kill now! Know how to be the John Wick of BGMI and be undefeatable.

Have you been playing Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) and are always ending up in a box within minutes? Do you want to be the John Wick of BGMI? That's not going to happen till the time you don't learn how to hunt like a Pro. We all know that at some point in the game, you have to get involved in an ambush. It is almost impossible to win a match in BGMI without being involved in any ambushes at all. But what makes a noob different from the 'Baba Yaga'? For starters, Wick won't go nuts and forget about techniques while spray-attacking his opponents.
When players are in an ambush situation, they often get cracked open due to the pressure, especially if its in the last circle. But what if you get to learn a few tips and tricks with which you can ensure a Chicken Dinner? Let us have a look at some of the Pro Ambush Tips.
- Picking The Right Weapons: Yes, you have to start with the very basics. Pair up a Sniper Rifle with an Assault Rifle or a Light Machine Gun and you're good to go.
- Scoping Locations And Avoiding 'Hot' Places: In our earlier guides for BGMI, it has been said that understanding the map is very important. Hence, don't plan to ambush a squad or solo players unless you know where to hide. Don't go in blind all guns blazing if you wish to survive. Take cover, have a decent distance between you and your enemies. In case you're not able to find any cover to hide behind then go all guns blazing with every bit of confidence that you have within.
- Use Strategic Throwables: There are several throwables that can be found in this game such as a Frag Grenade, Stun Grenade, Smoke Grenade and Motolov Cocktail. Each serves a different purpose. A frag grenade is used for explosion. Suppose you are out in the open and you see a hut or a house nearby that you wish to enter then it might be a good idea to first throw in a grenade and eliminate any opponents that might be hiding inside. A stun grenade is a tricky throwable, if you're in a position from which you can shoot your enemy nonstop and you just need a second advantage then you can use a Stun grenade as it will stun your opponents for a second or two at max in which they won't be able to shoot you. The third, Smoke grenade is a very useful tool when it comes to reviving your opponent, switching positions, distracting your opponent or buying some time to heal yourself. The basic purpose of a smoke grenade is to create a thick cloud of smoke around the place where you throw it at. The fourth in this list is Motolov Cocktail. When you throw a Motolov at any area on the ground then it creates a circle of fire. If your enemy falls within that circle then they'll burn and eventually even might die. Now let's head to being Baba Yaga.
- Understanding The Recoil: When you shoot with an AR or LMG then right after you shoot your first bullet, the second and the ones following that start to go up which eventually leads you to missing the target. So, whenever you are shooting at someone, start spray-shooting at him from his feet and then automatically the Recoil will go up to his head. This way you will get the maximum hits at your enemy.
- Divide And Conquer: Distribute the role amongst your squad. Designate someone as a sniper, someone as a collector, someone as an attacker who will lead the ambush, and someone who will provide cover to the attacker. Once you have these sorted then you can improve your squad's gameplay significantly. The next is probably the most important step.
- Be The Butcher And Slaughter: After sorting your roles as stated above, be prepared to do camping. If you've been playing BGMI for some time then you must have heard the term 'Bridge Camping.' The best way to do bridge camping is to climb on top of the bridge where your enemies won't expect you to be at all and then start spray shooting like a madman and watch all your enemies turn into a box.
Follow the tips mentioned in this guide and get your 'Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!".
Keep following ABP Live for more such guides on your favourite BGMI. The next guide will be on how to use Vehicles in BGMI like a pro so, stay tuned.
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