Mission Shakti: Lata Mangeshkar & other B'wood celebs REACT: "proud of our PM Modi".."khoda pahad nikli chuhiya"..!
Soon after, the reactions started pouring in over PM's announcement and Bollywood celebrities also took to social media to give their views on it. Check it out below: Actor Vindu Dara Singh who became a household name post his 'Bigg Boss' stint, posted series of tweets praising Modi for this achievement. He wrote- "Har har Modi Ghar Ghar Modi we are proud of the most hardworking PMAn important message to the nation. Watch. https://t.co/0LEOATgOOQ
— Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 27, 2019
Har har Modi Ghar Ghar Modi we are proud of the most hardworking PM @narendramodi ji of our lifetimes and the country is proud of our scientists and the @BJP4India for all the work done in various fields in the past 5 years and looking forward to the next 5 ! Safety & security !
— Vindu Dara Singh (@RealVinduSingh) March 27, 2019
Actor and comedian Vir Das who's known for his witty and sarcastic comments, however takes a dig at PM for having created hype around this announcement. He wrote- "Phew! It's space guys...." In next tweet he writes- "That PM speech was out of this world.#MissionShakti a message to our enemies not to FXXT around with India! Bharat Mata ki Jai ! Super powers shouldn’t complain abt the shooting by DRDO, that too when they have done the same! #PMModi #Satellite
— Vindu Dara Singh (@RealVinduSingh) March 27, 2019
Kamaal R Khan also cracks a joke over the much-hyped announcement which turned out to be about launching anti-satellite missile in space. KRK's tweet read - "PM announcement:- LEO satellite Ko Maar Diya Gaya and India has become 4th space power in the world. Lol! Khoda Pahad Nikli Chuhiya! Sir Kaya Mazaak Thaa Ye!"To BOTH the political parties,
This is an important election. We plan to vote. Understand this. You are not going to intimidate, troll, trick, or anger us into voting for you. You are only going to IMPRESS us into voting for you. By pitching policy, progress & ideas. ???? — Vir Das (@thevirdas) March 27, 2019
Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar congratulated Modi. Her hindi tweet written in Devanagari read "Namaskar. Bharat ke Mission Shakti kamyaabi par main hamare vagyanikon ka aur maanneeya pradhanmantri ji ka abhinandan karti hun. Vande Matram."PM announcement:- LEO satellite Ko Maar Diya Gaya and India has become 4th space power in the world. Lol! Khoda Pahad Nikli Chuhiya!????Sir Kaya Mazaak Thaa Ye!????????
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) March 27, 2019
Actor Mohan Kapur replied to a tweet calling PM's address to nation in this elecion time the violation code of conduct, writing- "My thought exactly! Surreptitiously becoming the face of the achievement should be deemed as a violation of the code of conduct BUT..."नमस्कार. 'भारत के 'मिशन शक्ति' कामयाबी पर मैं हमारे वैज्ञानिकों का और माननीय प्रधानमंत्री @narendramodi जी का अभिनंदन करती हूँ. वन्दे मातरम्.
— Lata Mangeshkar (@mangeshkarlata) March 27, 2019
My thought exactly! Surreptitiously becoming the face of the achievement should be deemed as a violation of the code of conduct BUT... ???????? https://t.co/iUObZWB1VI
— Mohan Kapur (@mohankapur) March 27, 2019