Horoscope Today: In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes centre stage as it moves through different houses, influencing the lives of people based on their zodiac signs. Let's take a look at the astrological predictions for today (July 25) for each sign.


If you venture into something new, the Moon will remain in the 7th house, resulting in increased business momentum. The formation of Siddha Yoga indicates potential success for workplace researchers. Finance-related businessmen should be more cautious because financial losses are possible. It's the ideal day for a long-planned family shopping trip. To avoid accidents caused by negligence, two-wheeler riders must wear helmets and strictly adhere to traffic rules.


Enmity with adversaries will lessen with the Moon in the 6th house. Maintain positive relationships with coworkers in the office, as things can quickly become antagonistic. 'Siddha Yog' advocates financial rewards for hoteliers, motel owners, restaurant operators, daily needs, and food store owners. The day holds promise for students taking general and competitive exams. At this time, heart patients should avoid greasy foods because high cholesterol levels can lead to health problems.


The Moon's position in the 5th house may cause students to change their study methods. 'Siddha Yog' can lead to promotions for high-ranking government officials. Today is a lucky day for electronics, electric, computer, software, and hardware entrepreneurs, with potential profits ahead. If you have any resentment or disagreement with your life partner, make every effort to reconcile as prolonging estrangement is harmful. Stress can have a negative impact on your health, so your mental well-being is critical.


The Moon's presence in the 4th house may cause a lack of family comforts. Employees should devote themselves to office work because advancement is possible with honesty and dedication. Property investors must be vigilant and not overlook any paperwork, as failure to do so can result in project delays. Eclipse-related issues may spark family arguments about inherited property. Take all necessary health precautions before leaving the house, and keep the house clean to avoid illnesses caused by uncleanliness.


With the Moon in the third house, you'll have opportunities to help friends and family. Diligence in office work will earn you praise and possibly a promotion from your bosses. General and competitive students will gain recognition among their loved ones, but they should not inadvertently neglect their closest relatives. Consult with family members before making major decisions, as the advice of elders is respected. Individuals with sensitive skin should be wary of allergies and take the appropriate precautions.


The Moon will be in the second house, where it will promote moral values. To achieve workplace success, it is necessary to please the boss by correcting any shortcomings in official duties. The 'Siddha Yog' brings auspicious opportunities for import-export businesspeople, potentially leading to large orders. Temporary family conflicts should not be stressful; instead, focus on resolving issues through open communication. Because there is a risk of sudden nausea, vomiting, or physical weakness, prioritise light and easily digestible food for health.


The Moon's presence in your zodiac increases your self-esteem and courage. 'Siddha Yog' may result in a job offer from a multinational corporation for individuals working in the telecommunications industry. The day may present difficulties for students, necessitating concentrated attention on serious subjects. Family harmony is essential, and following house rules and regulations will help to avoid conflicts with elders. In terms of health, avoiding greasy foods is critical to avoiding stomach problems.


With the Moon in the 12th house, be cautious with your spending. Competing with coworkers in a hurry may result in mistakes; therefore, it is best not to rush any work. To ensure profitability, businessmen must maintain flexibility and avoid ego. To advance in their careers, athletes should maintain a disciplined routine. If you are concerned about your family's finances, make an effort to find solutions on your own. Women may experience health issues as a result of hormonal imbalances caused by the eclipse.


The Moon in the 11th house encourages duty fulfilment by recognising it. Approach office work with zeal, especially when assigned specific tasks. Because businessmen may be required to travel to another city for work, maintaining enthusiasm is critical. Seek the advice of younger family members, as their insights may be useful. People suffering from spondylitis should engage in necessary exercises to improve their health.


The Moon's presence in the 10th house aids in identifying your work in the workplace. 'Siddha Yog' improves workplace performance by attracting attention and laying the groundwork for future accomplishments. To ensure success, businessmen must remain vigilant against competitors while working responsibly. Because family support will be available in career matters, discussing career plans with siblings may be advantageous. Minor health problems may subside, bringing relief.


The Moon will be in the 9th house, bestowing good fortune on those who do good. Workload at the office may increase, potentially causing stress. Foreign businessmen pursuing significant deals should make adequate preparations to ensure a successful conclusion, with auspicious times ranging from 12.15 pm to 2.00 pm. Individuals with sugar and liver issues should take extra precautions to avoid complications.


Unresolved issues are resolved by the Moon in the 8th house. To avoid displeasure due to the eclipse, prioritise tasks assigned by the boss at the office. Businessmen should avoid disagreements with important clients and customers because they can harm their market image. Increased household expenses may have an impact on savings. Seek medical attention as soon as possible for health-related issues to avoid worsening conditions.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]