Horoscope Today: In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes centre stage as it moves through different houses, influencing the lives of people based on their zodiac signs. Let's take a look at the astrological predictions for today (August 22) for each sign.

Aries Horoscope Today: 

The Moon will be in the 7th house, which will bring momentum to your business through new projects. The formation of the Shukla Yoga indicates better results in trading business due to favorable expectations, resulting in profits for you. You are set to embark on new plans in the business domain. If individuals with service-oriented jobs are confident about returns, only then should they consider investments; otherwise, it's more beneficial to keep funds secure. Be cautious about your health; incorporate yoga, pranayama, and meditation into your daily routine.

In married life, avoid reiterating old matters repeatedly. Spend time with your family, sharing your thoughts with them. Pay attention to your earnings and expenses. CS and IT students should formulate plans to complete important tasks as soon as possible.

Taurus Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 6th house, granting relief from known and unknown adversaries. New ideas will be incorporated into your business, leading to new achievements. On the workspace, have faith in your hard work and keep progressing with your tasks. Create a routine for your health and practice pranayama. To avoid stress, spend time with your children. Spending quality time with your life partner will fill your day with happiness. A family member will achieve significant recognition. For students, artists, and sports enthusiasts, the time will come when you can prove yourself in a better way. Students will have favorable days in the field of education.

Gemini Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 5th house, bringing happiness related to children. If you have a stalled old project in business, and you are now planning to work on it, doing so between 12:15 PM and 2:00 PM would be beneficial. Your grip on work will remain strong in the workspace, but still, stay vigilant. There might be a state of health downturn. Parents will offer help in family matters. Enjoy some joyful moments with your life partner. Official travel could be a possibility. For students, artists, and sports enthusiasts, some individuals might receive praises and support for their leadership skills.

Cancer Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 4th house, reminding you to pray to Goddess Durga for your mother's good health. In business, making investments without proper research could be harmful. Only invest after thorough research. Avoid engaging in illegal activities in the workspace, otherwise, be prepared to face serious consequences. You might experience problems related to high blood pressure. Misjudgments in married life might distance you from your family. Parents will understand your situation. Due to the occurrence of eclipse-related planetary effects, it might not be an ideal time for those in love to manifest their feelings. For students, the day will be filled with difficulties. Refrain from unnecessary travel regarding your health. Only travel if absolutely necessary and with caution.

Leo Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 3rd house, so keep an eye on your younger siblings' company. In business, this is a day to put in extra efforts for better results. You will find tasks relatively easy to accomplish, and there will be growth in your business endeavors. Efforts made in job searching will yield success. Positive energy will flow through you in the workplace. Your inclination will be towards spiritual activities and work. Your behavior within the family could have a significant and positive impact on your relationships. Moments with your life partner will have both sweetness and challenges. For students, players, and artists, there might be some changes in your disposition that could lead you in a new direction. Weather changes could affect your health, so remain cautious about your well-being.

Virgo Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 2nd house, resolving matters related to ancestral property. Due to the formation of Shukla Yoga, the day will be very good for those involved in property dealing. The sudden profits that come your way won't leave a place for your happiness. Your leadership skills will propel you forward in your job. Listen to everyone in the family and spend time with them. Planning for some small shopping with your life partner might be on the horizon. Your actions will be appreciated on a political level. Digestive issues might arise, so take care of your diet. For students, artists, or sports enthusiasts, your efforts might receive recognition for their quality. Students will receive family support in future planning.

Libra Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in your sign, causing your mind to be restless and unsettled. In business, your correct decisions will bring you fame in the market. You might consider exploring another business parallel to your current one, but make sure to research thoroughly before doing so. Based on your ability to work in the workspace, you might attain a high position. Your success will motivate other workers as well. Heart patients need to take special care. Maintain a proper diet and take medication regularly. Your advice in family matters will win everyone's heart. To alleviate exam-related stress, spend some quiet time in solitude and practice yoga and meditation. Students will be able to focus more on their artistic skills.

Scorpio Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 12th house, leading to increased expenses, so be cautious. Avoid making hasty decisions in the stock market. In business, if you keep postponing a task, it might prove troublesome for you in the future. Focus on smart work instead of running around too much in the workspace. You might experience headaches. A certain statement in family matters might hurt your feelings. Due to the occurrence of eclipse-related planetary effects, you need to be a bit cautious about your behavior in your personal life and love life. At the political level, refrain from making any statements without proper research; the day might not be in your favor. Students preparing for Railway and Bank exams will experience tension related to exams and results.

Sagittarius Horocope Today:

The Moon will be in the 11th house, urging you to recognize and fulfill your duties. For individuals in the clothing business, the time is better as new opportunities will arise, and your planning will lead to success. Concerns about post and transfer might lead to a down situation in the workspace. People suffering from high blood pressure and cholesterol should remove fatty foods from their diet chart. Reducing expenditures and adopting a savings plan will be better for the future. Changes in behavior will bring happiness to the family. You might receive a surprise from your partner. Whether it's a boy or a girl, don't delay proposing because a positive response is awaiting you. However, both parties should be agreeable; it should not be one-sided. Planning personal travel might be beneficial for a favorable task.

Capricorn Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 10th house, which might bring some challenges in your job. In business, you might face the challenge of doing more work in less time. There are many options available, but to achieve your goal, a single resolution is sufficient. There could be significant improvement in the financial condition of your business after noon. In the workspace, it seems like a day to move forward with new ideas. In your job, you'll need to focus on completing pending tasks. You might also be given some responsibilities in the workspace. You will experience romance and excitement with your life partner. The day will be beautiful, and most things will align with your mindset. Be cautious about your health. Competitive students will achieve better results in exams. There might be plans for both business and personal travel.

Aquarius Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 9th house, which will bring good fortune through effective work. With the influence of Shukla Yoga, there's a possibility of a major order coming your way in the surgical and medical business, which will require you to have significant courage. In the workspace, your ideas and plans will come to fruition, leading to an increase in your reputation and prestige. In today's extremely professional world, it's a powerful truth that those who possess innovative ideas are proven to be strong players in the corporate world. Promotions could also be on the horizon in the workspace. Exercise restraint over your expenditures; it will be better for your day. Your life partner will provide support in reducing the challenges entering your life. You'll enjoy a fulfilling day in your family life. Pay attention to routine health check-ups and consider adding yoga to your life. Students who are studying away from home will have a favorable day.

Pisces Horoscope Today:

The Moon will be in the 8th house, indicating the possibility of disputes during travel. If you're involved in the building materials business, avoid making hasty investments, as it could lead to significant losses. In your job, office, or workplace, maintaining your assertiveness will be crucial for advancement. Your behavior in the workspace could be a source of trouble for you, so timely improvements will be beneficial. Approach any matter with seriousness, as there is a likelihood of many things coming to light soon. You might feel mentally stressed. The occurrence of a lunar eclipse could lead to arguments with parents over certain matters. Someone important, like a romantic partner or a friend, might be distant for a while. The entry of a third person in your relationship could create difficulties with your life partner. Pay attention to your health. Students, artists, and sports individuals might not find it very productive to focus solely on their respective fields.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]