In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes center stage as it moves through different houses, impacting the lives of individuals according to their zodiac signs. Let's delve into the latest astrological predictions for each sign on this eventful day.


Aries can expect their mother's health to be in good condition with the moon in the 4th house. However, concerns about their business and dealing with difficult situations may arise. Workplace adversaries may cause issues that must be handled carefully. Employees may face delays in completing old tasks, giving competitors an advantage. It is critical to avoid making rash decisions in marriage and relationships, instead focusing on improving communication and behaviour. Family property disputes should be handled with extreme caution.


Taurus people will have more courage and bravery because the moon is in the third house. Money matters in partnership businesses require careful consideration, while real estate decisions necessitate extensive research. Recognition from seniors at work will boost one's self-esteem. However, difficulties may arise, and colleagues' cooperation cannot be expected. Balancing family and relationship dynamics can be difficult, and love and marriage should be approached with caution.


Geminis can expect an improvement in their financial prospects with the moon in their second house. However, when considering new investments in blogging, coding, and web design businesses, exercise caution. In business competitions, challenges may arise, necessitating careful decision-making. Obstacles may arise at work, and colleagues may fail to provide the expected support. Harmony in relationships and partnerships may be disrupted, necessitating changes. Participating actively in social and political events will produce positive results. 


The moon's position in the 12th house suggests a focus on intellectual development for Cancer individuals. Risk assessment is critical in blogging, coding, and web design businesses. The union of 'Budhaditya' and 'Harshan Yog' can result in unexpected assistance from a 'Bhamashah' in social endeavours. In business competitions, rash decisions can lead to losses. Employees may be hesitant to express their views to superiors. Certain responsibilities in married life and relationships may raise questions. Planning and communicating with loved ones can have a positive impact. Students may have difficulty studying difficult subjects, and individuals may experience chest pain.


With the moon in the 11th house, Leos may have disagreements with their elder sister. While ready-made and clothing businesses may see profits, prudent business decisions are advised. Work-related travel may be required, and colleagues may join you on nearby trips. Employees may have difficulty completing tasks on time. Relationship building and spending quality time with family are essential for happy love and marriage. Health concerns are minor, and caution is advised when consuming heavy and oily foods.


The moon's position in the 10th house encourages Virgos to embrace positive changes at work. Government orders may necessitate the relocation of industrial businesses. The combination of 'Budhaditya' and 'Vyaghat Yog' creates favourable conditions at work, allowing individuals to maximise their abilities. Opportunities for guidance and recognition may arise. Increased expenses may have an impact on love and marriage. It is recommended to spend quality time with family, and technical students should value time management. It is considered auspicious to plant Bel and Juhi plants on Hariyali Amavasya.


Librans are encouraged to complete pending business tasks with the moon in the 9th house. Unfinished business ventures can be successful, and job seekers should look for new opportunities. Positive relationships will be fostered through collaboration with coworkers. Resolving family conflicts will bring harmony. Students should concentrate on their studies and pay close attention to their health. On Hariyali Amavasya, planting Arjun or Nagkesar plants and giving milk and curd to poor girls is considered auspicious.


For Scorpios, the moon's presence in the 8th house indicates a need to resolve complex issues. Business decisions should be made with caution, and lending money is not recommended. It is critical to avoid hasty actions and risks at work. Employees should avoid disparaging coworkers and exercise control over their speech when communicating with spouses and relatives. Physical discomfort and headaches are possible, so planting a neem plant, watering the Peepal tree, and donating a lamp on Hariyali Amavasya are all considered auspicious.


Sagittarius people can expect business to pick up speed now that the moon is in the 7th house. Buying new equipment between 10.15 AM and 11.15 AM, or 4.00 PM and 6.00 PM, is considered auspicious. It is recommended that you concentrate on completing pending tasks at work. Children and family support will help you have a successful love and marriage life. Aspirants for competitive exams should focus on their studies. Within the family, health issues may arise. On Hariyali Amavasya, planting a Kaner plant and feeding sweet milk to a blind child are considered auspicious.


Capricorns benefit from the moon's placement in the 6th house because it protects them from both known and unknown enemies. New investments in business may be considered, and thought-based work may be completed successfully. Positive financial news could emerge. The day is favourable for work, and one's self-confidence will grow. Worshipping Shani Dev and planting a Shami plant while feeding millet to birds on Hariyali Amavasya is considered auspicious, as is feeding millet to birds.


Aquarius individuals should adjust their study methods with the moon in the 5th house. Profits from market investments are likely to benefit business growth. Work that had previously been stalled will be resumed, and success in workplace transfer-related efforts can be achieved. Unexpected opportunities may present themselves, and enemies may be converted into friends through positive behaviour. Family time is recommended, and romantic plans with love and life partners can be made. On Hariyali Amavasya, planting a Kadamba or Mango plant and feeding beggars outside Shani temple are considered auspicious.


Pisces people can resolve land-related issues with the moon in their 4th house. Losses may occur in hospitality businesses such as hotels, motels, restaurants, and event management. Increased workloads will necessitate extra effort, and frustrations may arise as financial results fall short of expectations. Unemployed people should be cautious during interviews. Students may experience family-related stress, which can interfere with holiday enjoyment. On Hariyali Amavasya, it is considered auspicious to plant berry and banana plants, offer honey to deities, and keep flour in the path of ants.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]