Jitan Sahani Murder Case: The Bihar police on Wednesday said that the key accused in the murder of Vikassheel Insaan Party chief Mukesh Sahani's father, Jitan, has been arrested. Kazim Ansari, the main accused, was arrested under Ghanshyampur police station of Bihar's Darbhanga district. Ansari confessed his involvement in the murder and said that he killed Jitan Sahani over money-related dispute.

Bihar police posted on X that the incident was resolved through the joint efforts of the Special Investigation Team, formed on the direction of the Bihar Police Headquarters, the Special Task Force (STF) led by skilled officers, the Darbhanga district police, and the FSL team for the collection of scientific evidence.

The police is taking further legal action in the incident.

The development came after Bihar Police detained four persons for questioning in connection with the murder case.

Darbhanga SSP Jagunath Reddy said: "One person has been arrested for the murder of Jitan Sahani, father of Mukesh Sahani, on the intervening night of July 15 and July 16."

SSP said that the accused had taken out a loan, the interest on which was increasing. This forced him to mortgage his land papers.

"Three days ago, he had an argument with Jitan Sahani to lower the interest rate and give back the land papers. He along with others went inside Jitan's house from the back gate around 1.30 am that night and asked for his land papers. When Jitan refused, they killed him," he added.

"Analysis of the CCTV footage has revealed that these four persons entered the house of Jitan Sahni around 10.30 pm on July 15 and stayed there for half an hour," Darbhanga police's statement read.

VIP chief's father was found murdered at his ancestral home in Darbhanga on July 16 with multiple stab wounds and cut marks on his chest and stomach.

The preliminary probe revealed that two of the detained persons had previously borrowed money at interest from the deceased.

An SIT had been formed thereafter to probe into the matter. 

Several leaders, including former chief minister Jitan Ram Manjhi, Union minister and chief of Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) Chirag Paswan, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister and state BJP chief Samrat Choudhary, and RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav among others, had condemned the murder of the VIP chief's father.

ALSO READ: 'Gundaraj In Bihar': Tejashwi Yadav Hits Out At Nitish Govt Over Murder Of VIP Chief Mukesh Sahani's Father