Independence Day 2020:   Prime Minister Narendra Modi unfurled the national flag for the 7th time for Delhi's Red Fort. In his 87 minute speech, the Prime Minister addressed every important issue and crisis the country is facing and the PM started his speech addressing the change in the Independence day celebrations due to the pandemic.
"We're going through distinct times. I can't see young children in front of me today (at Red Fort). Corona has stopped everyone. In these times of COVID, Corona warriors have lived the mantra of 'Seva Parmo Dharma' and served the people of India. I express my gratitude to them"

These are the key takeaways from PM Modi's Independence Day 2020 speech

  • Remembering freedom fighters: This is a day to remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. This is also a day to show gratitude to Security personnel including that of Army, paramilitary and police ensuring our safety

  • Atmanirbhar Bharat:  The Prime Minister said that amid the Covid-19 pandemic, 130 crore Indians took the resolve to be self-reliant, and 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' is on the mind of India. This dream is turning into a pledge. Aatmanirbhar Bharat has become a 'mantra' for the 130 cr Indians today.

"I admit there are lakhs of challenges for India to become atma-nirbhar (self-reliant), and yes, there is fierce competition from the rest of the world. But I always say that if India faces lakhs of challenges, it also has 130 crore solutions", said PM Modi

  • Saluting Corona warriors: I salute the corona warriors who have worked relentlessly for the nation. I extend my condolences to families that have lost loved ones in this battle against coronavirus, said PM at Red Fort.

  • India has to stop exporting raw material, importing finished goods: Toward making India self-reliant Pm said that we have been exporting raw materials and buying finished products from other countries and this has to change. PM said that India needs to stand on its own feet as we move toward the 75th year of free India and enhance our resources to move forward towards development."India has to focus on its human resources and skill development."

  • I am confident that India will realize this dream. I am confident of the abilities, confidence, and potential of my fellow Indians. Once we decide to do something, we do not rest until we achieve that goal: PM Narendra Modi from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

  •  'Vocal for Local' Mindset: "The mindset of free India should be 'vocal for local'. We should appreciate our local products, if we don't do this then our products will not get the opportunity to do better and will not get encourage", PM Modi.

"We have seen that when we put our minds to it, we can achieve anything. We never made PPE kits, our production of masks and ventilators was meagre, but today we are making them all", PM Modi

  • 3 Vaccines in Testing Stages:  Today three vaccines are in testing stages in India. As soon as the scientists give a green signal, the country will begin their large scale production. the blue for mass production and distribution is ready and the vaccine will be available to the citizens as early as possible.

  • Education Has Key Role in Making India 'Atmanirbhar': "Education has a key role in the making of 'Aatmanirbhar', modern, new, and prosperous India. So, we have brought the new education policy after three decades that has been welcomed throughout the country, which instills new confidence."

  • India's daughters have become 'Atmanirbhar': "Whenever women received an opportunity, they made India proud and strengthened it. Today, the nation is determined to provide equal opportunities for self-employment & employment to them. Today women are working in coal mines, our daughters are touching the sky while flying fighter planes," PM Modi

"We have set up a committee to reconsider the minimum age for marriage of our daughters. We will take an appropriate decision after the committee submits its report."

  • 6 lakh villages to get optical fiber in 1000 days: To make India more independent in cyberspace PM said that within 1000 days 6 lakh villages will receive optical fiber and a new cybersecurity scheme will be unveiled soon.

  • National Digital Health Mission: Announcing the Digital Health card, PM Modi said that this mission will bring easy availability of health services to the citizens. The Digital Health card will contain every detail about the diseases you have, the treatment you are undergoing, and doctors you are consulting. This will help citizens get appointments and will reduce hassles of standing in long queues.

  • 1 year of Article 370 abrogation: "This one year is a year of the new journey of development for Jammu and Kashmir. This one year is the year of the rights received by the women and the Dalits in Jammu and Kashmir. This one year is also the year of a life of dignity for the refugees in Jammu and Kashmir."

  • Jammu and Kashmir elections: "Delimitation exercise is being carried out in Jammu and Kashmir, the country is committed for completion of this work so that elections are held and people's representatives are elected there,"said PM Modi

  • Relations with neighboring countries: "Today neighbour is not just the one with whom we share a border but also those with whom our heart stays connected, where there is harmony in relations. I'm happy that in past some time India has further strengthened its relations with all countries in 'extended neighbourhood'," PM Modi

  • Indirect warning to China and Pakistan: "From LoC to LAC, whoever tried to raise their eyes towards the sovereignty of our country, our soldiers responded to it in the same manner. The world has seen that when it comes to protecting our motherland our brave soldiers are ready for everything." PM from Red Fort

  • Work for New Projects Underway on Islands: "There are more than 1,300 islands in our country. Keeping in mind their geographical location and their significance in the development of the nation, work to begin new projects in some of these islands is underway."

  • Record 18% FDI to our country: Prime Minister Narendra Modi listed out a number of reform measures undertaken by his government which has resulted in a record of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the country last year. "India’s record FDI investment shows the world’s growing confidence in our nation", said PM Modi.

Last year, there was a record 18% increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to our country. The world has shown confidence in India as we have worked on our policies, democracy and strengthening of the foundation of our economy

  • PM Modi on Ram Mandir: "Construction of a grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya started 10 days ago. Ram Janmabhoomi issue that prevailed for centuries, has been resolved peacefully. The conduct of people of the country has been unprecedented and is an inspiration for the future," PM Modi.

  • Indian Farmers are self-reliant today: PM Modi said his government has freed farmers of their constraints, and they can now trade their products freely at their terms. India's freedom struggle, he said, became a challenge to forces of expansionism while attempts were made for hundreds of years by various rulers to root out India's culture and traditions.

  • PM Modi lauded the COVID Warriors: Hailing 'corona warriors', including doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, and sanitation workers who have been continuously fighting the coronavirus pandemic, PM Modi said, the country will achieve victory over coronavirus with the resolve of its over 130 crore citizens. In the midst of coronavirus pandemic, Indians resolve to become self-reliant, the prime minister said, adding this is not a word but mantra for all people.

  • Ease Of Living to Benefit Middle Class: Middle class will benefit most from a better ranking in ease of living and we are striving for it, said PM Modi. To make lives easier for middle-class PM Modi announces 60% concession on Houseloans for the middle class and said that reduction in income tax will help them look toward better opportunities.