Independence Day 2020: As India marks 73 years of complete freedom this 15th August, all we can feel the patriotism, nationalism, brotherhood, and love towards our nation on this 74th Independence Day. This day is dedicated to cherishing the end of British rule in India as we remember our freedom fighters and salute them for their sacrifice, India got Independence after separation of India into two nations. Now the past is history and what remains is the glory of India’s struggle. But do you know the date 15th August 1947 was marked as India’s Independence Day out of the blue?

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Yes, choosing 15th August to mark the end of India’s freedom struggle holds a very interesting story

17th August 1960: Indian prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) addresses the crowd in Delhi, on the occasion of India's 14th Independence day. Above him flies the national flag of India. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)

In 1757 the British Rule began in India, preceded by the victory of English East India Company at the Battle of Plassey and acquired control over the country. For almost 100 years the East India Company took power in India and then the British crown replaced it via Indian Mutiny in 1857-58.

The Indian Independence movement commenced during World War I. The independence movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi, who advocated the method of nonviolence, non-cooperation movement followed by the Civil Disobedience movement.

British Prime Minister Clement Atlee on February 20, 1947, announced that the British rule in India would end by June 30, 1948, which would result in powers being transferred to a responsible Indian. This declaration was trailed by the Muslim League’s agitation and demanded the partition of the country.

Later on, the British Government on June 3, 1947, set forth that any Constitution set up by the Indian Constituent Assembly which was formed in the year 1946, cannot apply to those parts of the country which were disinclined to accept it. On the very same day, the viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten, but for the proposal of partition and it was known as Mountbatten Plan.

The Congress and the Muslim League agreed upon the proposal. And the India Independence Act was taken into effect separating India into 2 countries which called for the birth of Pakistan.

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It was in 1929, Pt Jawaharlal Nehru was the Congress President and gave the call for ‘Poorna Swaraj’ or complete freedom from British colonial rule, January 26 was chosen as the Independence Day. In fact, Congress party continued to celebrate it 1930 onwards, till India attained independence and January 26, 1950, was chosen as the Republic Day – the day India formally became a sovereign country and was no longer a British Dominion. 

So how did August 15 become India’s independence day?

Well, Lord Mountbatten had been given a mandate by the British parliament to transfer the power by June 30, 1948. If he had waited till June 1948, in C Rajagopalachari’s memorable words, there would have been no power left to transfer. Mountbatten thus advanced the date to August 1947.

27th May 1964: Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India and Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, during one of Nehru's visits to England. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)

At that time, Mountbatten claimed that by advancing the date, he was ensuring that there will be no bloodshed or riot. He was, of course, to be proven wrong, although he later tried to justify it by saying that “wherever colonial rule has ended, there has been bloodshed. That is the price you pay.”

As quoted in Freedom at Midnight, Mountbatten said, “The date I chose came out of the blue. I chose it in reply to a question. I was determined to show I was master of the whole event. When they asked had we set a date, I knew it had to be soon. I had not worked it out exactly then-I thought it had to be about August or September and I then went for the 15th August. Why? Because it was the second anniversary of Japan’s surrender.”

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced the surrender to the Allies. Mountbatten remembered the day when he was hearing the news of the surrender along with Winston Churchill in the latter’s room. Therefore, this date became symbolically significant for the Britishers.

The statement of Mountbatten clearly underscored his discretion to choose the date, which became more important to India as it was the question of independence from over 200 years of colonial rule.

But how did Pakistan get independence on August 14?

Actually it didn't get Independence but was the birth of Pakistan. The Indian Independence Bill gave August 15 as the date of independence for both the countries. The first stamp issued by Pakistan mentioned August 15 as its independence day.

 In his first address to Pakistan, Jinnah actually said, “August 15 is the birthday of the independent and sovereign state of Pakistan. It marks the fulfillment of the destiny of the Muslim nation which made great sacrifices in the past few years to have its homeland.” In 1948, Pakistan started marking August 14 as its independence day, either because the ceremony for the transfer of power in Karachi was held on August 14, 1947, or because August 14, 1947, was the 27th of Ramadan, a very sacred date to the Muslims. 

Today India is celebrating the 74th Independence Day amid the COVID 19 pandemic. The celebrations are different this year and strict COVID 19 guidelines will be followed. Only 5000 guests have been invited to the event.

No school student will participate in the majestic parade Independence Day 2020 and a compulsory 6 feet distance will be maintained along with guests wearing masks. Though the situation is grim amid the pandemic, the patriotic feelings are forever on our hearts. Happy Independence Day!!