New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the World Leader’s Summit of the 26th Conference of Parties (COP-26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow at the invitation of his UK counterpart Boris Johnson.

COP-26 is being held from October 31 to November 12 under the presidency of the UK partnering with Italy.

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The high-level segment of COP-26, titled the World Leaders’ Summit, will be held on November 1 and 2.

The Summit will be attended by the Heads of State/Government of more than 120 countries.

COP-26 was originally slated to be held in 2020, but was deferred to 2021 in view of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The UNFCCC embodies the global will and vision to combat climate change. The periodic Conference of Parties to this Convention have emerged as global climate summits, providing an opportunity for stocktaking and for charting the way forward, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said in a release.

Prime Minister Modi last attended the COP-21 in Paris earlier in 2015 when the Paris agreement was concluded, and whose implementation commences this year.

At COP-26, the parties will work to achieve the completion of Paris agreement implementation guidelines; the mobilization of climate finance; actions to strengthen climate adaptation, technology development and transfer; and keeping in reach the Paris Agreement goals of limiting the rise in global temperatures.

Prime Minister Modi will hold numerous bilateral meetings on the sidelines of COP-26, including with his UK counterpart.

Prime Minister Modi will also be participating in the 16th G-20 Summit in Rome from October 30-31 at the invitation of his Italian counterpart Mario Draghi.

The Summit will also be attended by the Heads of State / Government of G-20 member countries, the European Union and other invited nations and international organisations.

The forthcoming summit under the Italian Presidency is centred around the theme ‘People, Planet, Prosperity’, focusing on the areas of recovery from the pandemic and strengthening of global health governance, economic recovery and resilience, climate change and energy transition, and sustainable development and food security.

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This will be the 8th G-20 Summit that Prime Minister Modi would be attending.

The G-20 has emerged as the premier global forum for international economic cooperation. India is scheduled to host the G-20 Summit in 2023 for the first time.

Prime Minister Modi will also hold several bilateral meetings, including with his Italian counterpart.