New Delhi: The CBSE will submit its final decision on the pending exams for class 10 and 12 today at the Supreme Court. The Board was supposed to give an update on the exams on June 23, Tuesday but it sought more time and the hearing was adjourned till June 25th. Meanwhile, the exams for pending CBSE board exams for classes 10 and 12 which are scheduled from July 1 to July 15 have not been cancelled yet.

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On June 17, the apex court had asked the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to respond to a plea by parents asking for the cancellation of the pending CBSE board exam. According to a report by PTI, the plea which was submitted by parents of students who are appearing in class 12 examination had sought a direction to the CBSE to cancel the exams and declare the results on the basis of exams that have already been conducted and internal assessment. The petitioners also raised concern over the safety of students especially since cases of coronavirus is on a rise.

"The said petition would also demonstrate the extent of discriminatory and arbitrariness conduct of the respondent/CBSE in issuing the notification for holding of the remaining examination and that too in the month of July 2020 wherein as per the AIIMS data, the said COVID-19 pandemic would be at its peak," the plea said.

According to the petitioners ensuring proper safety in 15000 centres would be 'an exercise in futility.'

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"Ensuring proper cleanliness and safety standards as prescribed by the concerned government in COVID-19 situation in those 15,000 exam centres spreading over length and breadth of the country including rural sectors would not only be risking health and life of children but also would be an exercise in futility and an eyewash," the plea said.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development conducted a closed-door meeting on June 22 with NTA, CBSE officials, and other stakeholders but there has been no response from the ministry yet. The decision of the CBSE is also awaited by the students who are planning to give NEET 200 and JEE Mains 2020 as many students and parents have asked for the cancellation of these exams.

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