Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has written a letter to PM Narendra Modi, seeking postponement of post-graduation examinations for medical students enrolled in MD (Doctor of Medicine) and MS (Master of Surgery) courses in the state. ALSO READ | Can't Permit ICSE Board To Conduct Exams In July: Maharashtra Government Tells Bombay HC

The Maharashtra CM urged the PM to postpone these exams till December 2020. He made the request taking in cognisance the stressful period for final year medical students who are a part of the ongoing fight against Covid-19 pandemic.

The letter asked for the intervention of the Medical Council of India (MCI) to postpone the tests organised by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik.

“The final year (senior resident-3) resident doctors who are required to take these examinations are presently working on the frontline in all Government of Maharashtra and Municipal Medical Colleges assisting the clinical management of Covid-19 patients. In the event these examinations are held as per schedule, there would be a serious shortage of trained doctors during this very crucial period,” the letter states.

As per the letter, the board of governors of the Medical Council of India had asked medical colleges to conclude these examinations by July 30.

“Pursuant to the above advisory, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, has proposed to the government of Maharashtra that these exams should be conducted from July 15, 2020 onwards,” the letter elaborated.

Additionally, CM Uddhav Thackeray has also requested a postponement of the Entrance Examination of Super-speciality (DM/MCh) to a date subsequent to December 2020 i.e after the conclusion of MD/MS exams.

“I would request your intervention to direct the Medical Council of India to postpone the MD/MS examination till December 2020. So also I would request for the postponement of the Entrance Examination of the Super-speciality (DM/MCh) to a date subsequent to December 2020 i.e, after the conclusion of the final year MD/MS exams,” says the letter.

Meanwhile, Bombay High Court had asked Maharashtra government to express its stance over ICSE's decision to conduct pending board exams in July. After the direction, the state government has clearly stated that the ICSE exams cannot be held in the upcoming month because of the Covid-19 situation in the state.

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