In a significant political development, Janata Dal (United) president Nitish Kumar took the oath as the Chief Minister of Bihar for a historic ninth term on Sunday. Governor Rajendra Arlekar administered the oath of office to Kumar at the Raj Bhavan in Patna. This comes after Kumar resigned earlier in the day, citing dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the Mahagathbandhan and the opposition bloc I.N.D.I.A.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his congratulations to the newly sworn-in leadership, expressing confidence in their commitment to fulfilling the aspirations of the people of Bihar. In a tweet, PM Modi stated, "The NDA government formed in Bihar will leave no stone unturned for the development of the state and to fulfill the aspirations of its people. Heartiest congratulations to @NitishKumar for becoming the Chief Minister and to Samrat Choudhary and Vijay Sinha for taking the oath as Deputy Chief Ministers. I believe that this team will serve my fellow citizens in the state with complete dedication."

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also conveyed his best wishes to Nitish Kumar and his new cabinet. Singh emphasised the beginning of a new chapter for Bihar, focusing on development and welfare. He stated, "Congratulations to Shri @NitishKumar on taking the oath again as the Chief Minister of Bihar, and to Samrat Choudhary and Vijay Sinha on taking the oath as Deputy Chief Ministers. May this new team commence a new chapter of development and welfare in Bihar. Best wishes to all."

Meanwhile, Nitish Kumar thanked the Prime Minister for the new alliance in Bihar saying, "I express my gratitude to the Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi ji, for the congratulations and best wishes extended by him. On behalf of all the residents of Bihar, I also extend my thanks, and I am sincerely grateful for his support. A new government has been formed in Bihar in alliance with the NDA." 

"The people are the masters, and serving them is our fundamental objective. With the formation of the NDA government at the Centre and in the state, development initiatives will gain momentum, leading to the betterment of the people of the state," he added.

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New Bihar Cabinet: BJP's Vijay Kumar Sinha, Samrat Choudhary To Become Deputy CMs

Accompanying Nitish Kumar in the oath-taking ceremony were Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders Vijay Kumar Sinha and Samrat Choudhary, who were sworn in as ministers in the new government. This marks a significant political shift as Kumar, who had severed ties with the BJP less than 18 months ago, now formed a new government with the party.

Samrat Choudhary and Vijay Kumar Sinha were named leader and deputy leader, respectively, of the legislature party, and both are set to take on the roles of Deputy Chief Ministers in the new government, as confirmed by the Bihar Chief Minister.

Earlier, Nitish Kumar, after submitting his resignation to Governor Rajendra Arlekar, expressed his dissatisfaction with the Mahagathbandhan and I.N.D.I.A. bloc. He highlighted his efforts in forming the alliance but noted that recent developments were not in line with the expectations of his party. According to news agency PTI, Kumar hinted at the challenges faced within the alliance, stating, "You all know how I came to this alliance and also how I worked to bring together so many parties. But of late, things were not working well. It was not going down well with those in my party as well."

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