
Disgusting: Daughter beats 85-year-old mother, neighbours records incident on mobile

New Delhi: On social media, a video recorded on a mobile phone showing an 85-year-old woman being assaulted by her 60-year-old daughter is getting circulated widely. The incident reported from Kalkaji area of south Delhi on Monday. The attack was recorded on the mobile phone by a neighbour who reported the incident by calling the police control room (PCR). Image: Screengrab Image: Screengrab After receiving the PCR call, from the Kalkaji police station, a team of policemen visited the elderly woman’s house. They asked her to file a complaint against her daughter. Old mother, however, refused to file a complaint, saying it was a family issue and she did not want any action against her daughter, said a police officer. On Facebook, the one-minute and 25-second video clip was viewed by more than 12.5 lakh people till date.  
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