Do You Often Have Body Ache? Follow These Easy Health Tips To Get Rid Of It
Stress and dehydration are the main two causes of body ache or body pain. You can treat it with natural and easy recipes.
Body Pain: Body ache is a common problem of people during different stages of life. One of the most common causes associated with pain in the body is stress. It weakens the immune system and makes people vulnerable to diseases. The second most common reason for body pain is dehydration. Lack of adequate water intake daily can disrupt the normal functioning of the body. Know how you can deal with body pain with natural and easy remedies.
Nutritionist Namami Agarwal has suggested some remedies to control body aches. She says that there can be two types of pain in the body that are either joint pain or muscle pain.
Tips To Control Body Pain
Balanced diet - A mixed balanced diet that is enriched with proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates is essential for the body. Ensure your diet is rich in essential nutrients, especially vitamin D, as it helps in controlling the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Calcium is needed to keep bones and teeth strong and prevent joint pain.
Importance of balanced diet
Use of natural spices- When you are suffering from body pain, make sure to include a lot of natural spices in your diet. Ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and garlic have natural anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the pain by reducing inflammation in joints and muscles.
Drink enough water- Staying hydrated is very important. Water helps the body to function in a normal and healthy way. We lose water from our body through sweat and urine. If we don't keep our body hydrated, dehydration flushes out fluids from our tissue which causes muscle pain. According to nutritionists, adequate drinking water flushes out toxins from the body and also softens the joints.
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