
'Scam 1992' Star Pratik Gandhi Reveals Journey Of Struggle - 'Months With No Income', Shabana Azmi's Appreciation & More

Pratik Gandhi reveals the inspiring journey of his struggle to become an actor - how his dreams took a hit, eventually perhaps taking a back seat and opportunities that made him who he is today.

Mumbai: Pratik Gandhi has opened up about his struggle for becoming an actor - how it took him years with odd jobs, financial problems, and more to be able to first make his presence felt in Gujarati Cinema, later followed by the "big break" with 'Scam 1992'.

Pratik Gandhi's performance in the Hansal Mehta directorial 'Scam 1992' has been lauded by one and all, making his reach a national viewership but the journey was definitely not easy as he reveals in a conversation with Humans of Bombay.

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The actor's love for acting came to be when he performed for the first time on stage back in Grade 4. "I was in the 4th grade when I first performed on stage. It was just a 5-minute skit, but the thundering claps I received stayed with me. That’s when my tryst with acting began–soon, my teachers cast me in more plays".

Coming from a middle class, his father was supportive but he’d say, "Pehle degree lo, phir jo karna hai karo (First get a degree then do whatever you wish to)".

So I opted for engineering. Still, I’d do small plays – ishq toh acting se hi tha (my love was acting)," he added.

Pratik's struggle began when he moved to Mumbai after graduating. He reveals "for 4 years I worked on a project basis so that I could act. But there’d be months with no income. So, I did odd jobs like installing TV towers and anchoring".

His dreams took a hit when his family suffered from the 2006 floods in Surat, eventually perhaps taking a back seat. "The 2006 Surat floods took our home. My family came to Bombay and the 4 of us stayed in a 1RK (1 Bedroom Kitchen accommodation); after I got married, 5 of us were in that tiny space," he said.

"I took up a full-time job. Still, I’d rehearse for 2 hours before work and after, I’d do plays. I did this for 6 years," he added.

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The first break came to Pratik with a role in a Gujarati film that became the first breakthrough for his acting career.

"I took a 22-day leave from work for the shoot. At times, right after my shot, I’d get on a work call. After the shoot, I went back to work. I wasn’t even there for the promotions. Fortunately, ‘Bey Yaar’ was a hit; Overnight, I became a mainstream Gujarati actor. So the next time I got a film offer, I took the risk and at 36, I quit my job! Although I had a house loan, and a toddler, it felt right".

The next turning point or as he calls it his "big break" came when he got a call from Hansal Mehta’s team as he shortlisted for Harshad Mehta’s role in SonyLIV’s 'Scam 1992'.

"I jumped in feet first–from watching older news clippings of him to studying the stock market, I did it all. And then, the show released…" the actor reveals about his early prep work.

The response was something no one could have seen coming but a particular moment overwhelmed the 'Scam 1992' star.

"When Shabana Azmi Ma’am told me it was the best performance she’d seen in 20 years, I was in tears. My wife was ecstatic! And when my parents saw me win an IIFA, they were so moved," he says.

Pratik Gandhi is understandably elated over how his life "has taken a 180° turn" with people seeing him as a "lead actor" now.

"Zindagi ne jaise ek dum se raftar pakad li hai. But all of this happened because at 36, instead of getting comfortable, I decided to take a risk kyun ki… risk hai toh ishq hai!” the actor says reiterating his famous line of dialogue from the popular series.

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