New Delhi: Late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s case took a new turn when his father lodged an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty and five others at Rajiv Nagar Police station in Patna. An FIR was registered against the ‘Jalebi’ actress under various sections of the IPC including abetment to suicide. Chakraborty filed a petition in the Supreme Court and requested to transfer the case from Bihar to Mumbai.

WATCH: Rhea Chakraborty’s Leaked Video Goes Viral On Social Media; Sees Her Talking About Controlling Her Boyfriend

A four-member team from Bihar Police reached Mumbai to investigate Sushant’s case. They reportedly visited Rhea Chakraborty’s place but didn’t find her at home.

A day after Rhea moved the Supreme Court, the ‘Raabta’ actor’s family filed a caveat in the apex court challenging her FIR transfer plea.

The ‘Chehre’ actress’ lawyers shared a video in which she defended herself and said that she would get justice in the case.

“I have immense faith in God and the Judiciary. I believe that I will get justice. Even though, a lot of horrible things are being said about me in electronic media, I refrain from commenting on advice of my lawyers as matter is sub-judice. Satyamev Jayate. The truth shall prevail,” Rhea said in the video.

Sushant’s family lawyer, while talking to a news agency, said that the video was made with the purpose to show Rhea as a ‘simple woman’.

Also READ: Sushant's Family Lawyer Questioned Siddharth Pithani’s Credibility; ‘He Earlier Informed Us About Rhea Chakraborty’

“Rhea coming in the video is not much of what she is saying but how she is looking. I don't think she would have worn that kind of a salwar suit ever in her life. This was to show herself as a simple woman,” Vikas Singh was quoted as saying by ANI.

Sushant's sister Shweta Singh Kirti wrote a note addressing Prime Minister Narendra Modi and requested an 'urgent scan' in the late actor's case.

“Dear Sir, Somehow my heart says that you stand with and for the truth. We are from a very simple family. My brother had no Godfather when he was in Bollywood nor do we have anyone right now. My request to you is to immediately look into this case and make sure that everything is handled in a sanitized way and no evidence is tampered with. Expecting justice to prevail,” the note read.

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