Sushant Singh Rajput’s father, K.K Singh lodged an FIR against his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty recently. He revealed that the ‘Jalebi’ actress used to give an overdose of medicine to Sushant and her along with her family had full control of his life. Ankita Lokhande came up in support of the family and disclosed in her interview that Sushant was not the kind of person who would commit suicide. Many people including SSR’s gym trainer and bodyguard has also spoken up on the case since then.

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Now, in an exclusive interview with ABP News, Sushant’s cook Ashok Kumar disclosed that he was removed from his duty in September 2019. He had worked for the actor from 2016 till 2019. Ashok Kumar also revealed that Sushant Singh Rajput never used to remove his old staff like this and this was done under the instruction of Rhea Chakraborty. The cook received a message from SSR and Rhea’s manager saying that his services would no longer be needed from the. However, he later came to know that it was done at Rhea’s behest.

Ashok Kumar also revealed in his interview that his bodyguard Sahil and accountant Rajat were also removed from their duties after October last year.

Also, in December 2019, the ‘Chhichhore’ actor’s sister came to Mumbai from Delhi. She was accompanied by another sister who stays in Mumbai, Mitu. Both of them reached Sushant’s Bandra residence to meet him but a message came from inside that SSR was busy and could not meet any of them.

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The ‘Dil Bechara’ actor was hospitalised in the month of October-November as it was told that he was suffering from dengue. He was on bed rest for months. The cook also questioned that if Sushant was suffering from depression, then why weren’t they informed about it earlier.

Speaking of Sushant Singh Rajput as a person, Ashok Kumar revealed that the late actor was a very good person and he never shouted at anyone. He also added that Rajput used to take care of everyone.

The ‘Kai Po Che!’ actor was found hanging in his Bandra apartment on 14th June 2020.