New Delhi: Late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s father KK Singh recently lodged a complaint against Rhea Chakraborty and five other people at a police station in Patna. He accused the ‘Jalebi’ actress of threatening his son and blackmailing the ‘Raabta’ actor to show his medical reports to the media. KK Singh also alleged that Rs 15 crores were transferred from Sushant’s bank account to other accounts which were not related to him. In his six-page long FIR, the ‘Dil Bechara’ actor’s father said that Rhea moved out from his son’s place on June 8 with cash, laptops, credit card, its pin numbers and other important documents.

Also READ: Sushant's Family Lawyer Questioned Siddharth Pithani’s Credibility; ‘He Earlier Informed Us About Rhea Chakraborty’

An FIR has been registered against Rhea Chakraborty under various sections of the IPC including abetment to suicide. The actress moved the Supreme Court to seek transfer of the case from Bihar to Mumbai.

A four-member team from Bihar Police reached Mumbai on Wednesday (Juy 29) to investigate Sushant’s death case. The cops recorded the ‘Pavitra Rishta’ actor’s former girlfriend Ankita Lokhande’s statement on July 30 at her residence.

Also READ: Sushant Singh Rajput's Family Lawyer On Rhea Chakraborty's Video: 'This Was To Show Herself As Simple Woman'

The Bihar Police team has now quizzed director Rumi Jaffery in connection with Sushant’s death case. The cops were spotted at the director’s place on Saturday (August 1).

"During Sushant's last days, Rumi Jaffery was close to Sushant & Rhea Chakraborty. So, we've recorded his statement," a source told ANI.

Rumi Jaffery, while talking to ABP News, had earlier said that Sushant was supposed to do a film with him.

“Sushant, who was battling depression since the past six months, told me that he didn’t wish to work in films. He wanted to quit acting. The ‘Raabta’ actor didn’t reveal the reason despite my constant questions. He often used to say that he wanted to do farming. Sometimes, he said, ‘I want to plant one lakh tree across the country and invent new things like a scientist’. He wished to invent something like a scientist,” Jaffery said.

EXCLUSIVE: Sushant Singh Rajput Was Nervous Over Working With Girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty In Rumi Jaffery's Next

According to a report in a leading daily, Bihar Police will also question the cast of ‘Dil Bechara’.

“Sushant was believed to be under tremendous stress during the last few weeks. So, the team wants to question the cast and crew to understand his behaviour on the set,” a source told Mid-Day.

‘Dil Bechara’, which was Sushant’s last film, premiered on Disney+ Hotstar last month. The romantic drama co-starring Sanjana Sanghi is the Hindi adaptation of John Green’s novel ‘The Fault in our Stars’. The movie, directed by Mukesh Chhabra, received a massive response from the fans.

‘Dil Bechara’ reportedly got 75 million views within 18 hours of release, which is a record in itself. The streaming platform is yet to make any official announcement regarding the same.