Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death probe and the drugs case linked with it, continues intensify with each passing day. After interrogating several B-town A listers including Deepika Padukone and Sara Ali Khan earlier this month, the Narcotics Control Bureau reportedly raided Deepika Padukone's manager Karishma Prakash's Versova residence on Tuesday (October 27). ALSO READ | NCB Raids Deepika Padukone’s Manager’s House, Finds Charas And CBD Oil; Karishma Prakash ‘Untraceable’: Report

According to the reports, the NCB during the raid recovered 1.7 grams of charas and at least 2 bottles of CBD oil, following which Karishma Prakash was summoned for investigation today. News Agency ANI on Tuesday quoted Sameer Wankhede, Zonal Director, NCB Mumbai saying, "Karishma Prakash (Deepika Padukone's manager) has been summoned for investigation tomorrow”.

As per the latest development, Prakash did not report to the office today despite the summon by NCB nor did she give any reason for her absence. Sources aware of the development said that the NCB will now summon Prakash again after after waiting for a day or two.

Karishma's name in the case had cropped up during the questioning of one of the paddlers in connection with the Bollywood-drugs nexus.

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NCB officials upon receiving specific input had raided her residence. As per the reports, Karishma was not present at her residence while the raid was carried.

Prakash has earlier been interrogated by the NCB in connection with FIR registered in the Sushant Singh Rajput death case.