New Delhi: Yesteryear actress Saira Banu, who keeps sharing anecdotes from her shooting days with her fans and followers, reminisced the time when she shot for the film 'Hera Pheri' with Amitabh Bachchan and Vinod Khanna, as the film completed 47 years. The veteran actress took to her Instagram handle and shared a picture and a couple of video clips from the film, talking about her memorable time on the sets with the two male leads.

She wrote, "It was a very happy and enjoyable time to have done “HERA PHERI”. @amitabhbachchan Amitabh Bachchan and Vinod Khanna played crafty tricksters in the movie and I played a cunning female swindler. Director Prakash Mehra let the Three of us have a free hand at all the outrageously funny scenes. I had already done a lot of work with Vinod in films such as “PURAB AUR PASCHIM”, “AAROP”, and “NEHLE PE DEHLA” and with Amitabh in “ZAMEER”.

We had a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere and the Three of us would work at suggestions and improvisations to make the scenes riotously funny especially in the scenes where Vinod is constantly trying to tone down Amitabh from being overly romantic to the heroine. My own favourite scene is where I am rattling off in Marathi and Vinod is trying to curb Amitabh’s zealous attempts to sit next to me. Please see and enjoy these scenes."

Check out the post here:


'Hera Pheri', that released in 1976, is a masala movie, directed by Prakash Mehra. The movie starred Saira Banu as Kiran, Amitabh Bachchan as Vijay and Vinod Khanna as Ajay. It also featured Asrani, Mac Mohan, P Jayaraj and Urmila Bhatt in pivotal roles.

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