Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who has been grabbing all eyeballs with her statements on social media, is currently busy shooting for ‘Tejas’ in Delhi. The ‘Queen’ star recently jetted off to the national capital after completing the Mumbai schedule of ‘Tejas’. She met Minister of Information & Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar post the shoot of her upcoming flick and discussed several issues related to the Hindi film industry.

Kangana said that she discussed issues including discrimination against women and outsiders in the film industry. She thanked Prakash Javadekar for his insight and guidance while sharing a picture with the union minister on Twitter.

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"Today after the shoot got an opportunity to meet Honourable Minister Shri @PrakashJavdekar ji, discussed various issues especially discrimination against women and outsiders in the film Industry. Thank you for your compassion, insight and guidance sir,” the ‘Panga’ actress wrote on the micro-blogging site.

Kangana has been quite vocal about the alleged ‘unfair treatment’ of outsiders in Bollywood post Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. She had earlier slammed the practice of ‘blind items’ in the industry, requesting MIB minister to put a ban on such articles.

Last year, the ‘Fashion’ star shared a video on social media to question why ‘blind items’ are not written against the star kids. She even pointed our several defamatory articles which were written against Sushant but didn’t mention his name.

Kangana will be seen playing the role of an Indian Air Force officer in ‘Tejas’. She recently revealed that she would essay the character of a Sikh officer, Tejas Gill. The makers are yet to announce the release of the film.

PICS: Kangana Ranaut Shares Glimpse Of Her Plush Mumbai House As She Welcomes 'Tejas' Team For Sunday Lunch

On the professional front, Kangana will be next seen in ‘Thalaivi’. The film is slated to hit the silver screens on April 23, 2021. The AL Vijay directorial will clash with ‘Bunty Aur Babli 2’ at the box office.

Also READ: Delhi Court Asks Police To File Action Report On Plea Seeking FIR Against Kangana Ranaut

The National Award winning actress also has ‘Dhaakad’ in her kitty. The action thriller co-starring Divya Dutta and Arjun Rampal will release on October 1, 2021.

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