New Delhi: The first look of Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ sent shockwaves across the country with her outstanding performance as India’s first female Prime Minister. The revolutionary Kangana Ranaut is back with yet another hard-hitting video unit announcing the release date of her directorial 'Emergency'. The film is slated to hit the big screens on November 24th, 2023. The striking announcement video also marks 48 years since the Prime Minister had a state of emergency declared across the country.
Ever since her first glimpses as PM Indira Gandhi surfaced online, it left the fans rooting. With an impactful stance and dialogue delivery, Kangana Ranaut nails the character. That’s not all, the actress’ prosthetics and mannerisms which she has worked on to essay the role have also hit the bull’s eye.
Sharing the teaser on Instagram, Kangana wrote, "A protector or a Dictator? Witness the darkest phase of our history when the leader of our nation declared a war on it’s people. #Emergency releasing worldwide on 24th November."
Talking about ‘Emergency’, Kangana said, "Emergency is one of the most significant and darkest chapters in our history that young India needs to know. It is a crucial story and I want to thank my super-talented actors like late Satish ji, Anupam ji, Shreyas, Mahima, and Milind for embarking on this creative journey together. I am excited to bring this extraordinary episode from India’s history to the big screen. Jaihind!"
‘Emergency’ is Directed and Produced by Kangana Ranaut. The film stars Ranaut as former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi. The film also features late Satish Kaushik, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Chaudhry and Milind Soman in pivotal roles.
‘Emergency’ is scheduled to release on 24th November 2023.