Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut’s new stills from her upcoming movie ‘Thalaivi’ have taken the internet by storm. The actress has been trending on Twitter for her uncanny resemblance with J. Jayalalithaa, on whose life the biopic ‘Thalaivi’ has been made. Fans are also praising Kangana for her performance as shown in the trailer.
In the new stills shared by Ramesh Bala on his official Twitter handle, Kangana Ranaut and Arvind Swami can be seen bringing to screens the magic of Jayalalithaa and M. G. Ramachandran on screen. While sharing the stills, Bala wrote, “New stills of @thearvindswami and #KanganaRanaut from #Thalaivi”.
Earlier this year, on March 23, the makers of ‘Thalaivi’ dropped the trailer of this much-awaited movie and Kangana Ranaut received a lot of praises for her performance and uncanny resemblance with the actress and former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu J Jayalalithaa.
Helmed by A. L. Vijay, ‘Thalaivi’ also stars Bhagyashree, Nassar, Raj Arjun, and others in pivotal roles. The film was earlier scheduled to release earlier this year in April but got delayed due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. As fans await the release of ‘Thalaivi’, the new release date of the film has not been announced yet.
Meanwhile, other than ‘Thalaivi’, Kangana Ranaut also has ‘Dhaakad’ and ‘Tejas’ in her kitty. She will also step into the shoes of former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi to portray her role in the upcoming movie based on The Emergency.
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